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Chapter 1

I woke up and groaned. I had fallen asleep on the couch again. I had a seriously terrible habit of doing that lately. I had dreamt that I was running through the forest. I had been scared. There was a woman, standing there in the middle of it all. She looked at me as if she were trying to tell me something but couldn’t get the words out. Suddenly she just vanishes into the air and I scream in response then when I turn around there’s this insanely good looking boy there.

And that’s it.

My dad walked into the lounge room and perched on the edge of the couch with a sigh. He handed me a mug that was filled with his famous hot chocolate. He was the only one that knew the recipe and he promised that when I turned eighteen he would teach it to me.

“You fell to sleep again kiddo.” He sighed. “You’ve got to stop doing that. You missed dinner again.”

I frowned and nodded feeling my stomach rumble. “I know but I can’t help it, it’s not even like I’m tired. I just can’t keep my eyes open.”

He smiled sympathetically and patted my knee. “Well finish that off and I’ll fry you an egg, how does that sound?”

I grinned took a sip. “Thanks that would be great.”

He wandered off into the kitchen and I listened to the sound of the pan sizzling as the oil boiled. I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest. I’d been wrapped into a knitted blanket, one of the only things I had kept of my mother’s. Dad said she had knitted it herself.

The only thing I remember of her is that she used to sing me to sleep. Not your normal everyday lullabies but strange, European words that I could only just remember a few verses to.

“It’s ready Annie!” My dad called from the kitchen. I think he was the only one in the world that called me Annie. My name is Annika but all of my friends called me Nika. I didn’t mind so much though.

I slowly hopped up and gripped the edge of the couch so that I wouldn’t get dizzy and fall over. I made my way into the kitchen and sat on a stool at the bench. I started to pick at it and spooned it into my mouth slowly. I didn’t really feel like eating but I ate it anyway.

“So how was school today?” He asked me tiredly. He’d been at work since at least six o’ clock and I sort of felt bad keeping him up any longer but it was really the only time we got to spend together anymore.

I shrugged and smiled. “It was okay I guess.”

He nodded along and smiled. “How’s Audrey?”

Audrey has been my best friend forever. Well, at least since the start of high school. We did everything together and my dad loved her. “Yeah she’s really good, we’re thinking about going shopping this weekend. Do you mind?”

He shook his head and grinned. “No of course not baby girl.”

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