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Hullo! Me again. Sorry to stop you, but I just wanted to let you know that this next part of the story has a significant time skip. I'm sorry if this causes confusion, but I felt it was necessary in order to properly progress the story.

It is now around 5 to 6 months in the future. The Monsters have all come up from the Underground and received an overall warm welcome from the Humans and the Hunters. Though there are some who wish them ill. But other than that, life is pretty good. And due to the enormous amounts of gold found in Ebbot that the Monsters used for currency, they are all pretty well off. Sans and Papyrus share a home, styled like the one they had in the Underground. Toriel has a simple, two story house, plain in color but very homey. Asgore lives in the old Monster castle, due to being their king. Undyne and Alphys stay there too, since both have jobs that require them to stay in close contact with Asgore.

Before the Fall, Frisk lived with her older brother Orion, the fiery bad ass we met last chapter. But, due to her relationship with Toriel, she spends most of her time with her goat Mom. Orion is fine with this, as it gives him free time he never had before.

I hope this helps clear things up! I am also going to give a description of the characters before I start the next chapter, and I promise to update it soon. Thank you for your patience!

Monsters: Species; A group of people with magic abilities. Some look human-ish, but a majority do not. Their souls are weaker than Humans and Hunters, and when they die, their bodies turn to dust.

Humans: Species;..........humans. Like you. They have strong souls that can exist outside of their bodies. They cannot use magic.

Hunters:Species; The 'Superior' species. They appear very Human like, with black tattoos somewhere on their body. These are a type of marker, showing rank and ability. They often have red eyes, but this can change with their mood. They are not Human, but nor are they Monsters. However, they can wield magic. In fact, magic is a very important part of them. Although all Hunters can use all types of magic, each has a preferred type. Based on this type, they each have a different reaction to someone else's magic. The stronger the user, the stronger the reaction. Usually, when a Hunter is triggered (XD), it causes them to experience intense emotions, like anger, or joy, or even lust.

Dark Mage: Uses dark magic. Speaks to lost souls. Often 'loners'. They react to light magic, or magic that is inherently warm. It makes them happy.

Light mage: Uses magic that is pure, good. Guides lost souls, often healers. They react to Dark magic. It makes them feel wild, excited.

Animalist: Has control over animals, can take on their traits, can speak to them. They react differently to all kinds of magic.

Elementalists: They can control an element, i.e. water, earth, fire, air. Kinda like Avatar, but with out all the spinning. They react to all kinds of magic differently, but are especially sensitive to Monster magic. In a water elementalist, it can trigger anger, cause them to be like a rough sea. In an earth elementalist, it can cause them to panic, making them like an earth quake. In an air elementalist, it is calming, making them like a soft, warm breeze. And in a fire elementalist, it can trigger lust. Cause they have a 'fiery passion' about things. Get it? XD

Orion is a Fire Elementalist. Naturally.

Characters so far:

Toriel: A motherly goat Monster who was once the Queen of the Monsters. Takes care of Frisk and cares for her as her own She enjoys baking pies, her personal favorite being cinnamon. 35 years old. 6"5 Straight

Asgore: Toriel's ex, Kings of monsters. Loves Toriel's pies. In his free time, he tries to come up with elaborate ways to win her back. 37 years old. 6"9 Straight

Undyne: Captain of the Royal guard, dating Alphys. Occasionally trains Papyrus, and 'teaches him to cook'. She loves to watch anime with Alphys and to show off her spear skills. 23 years old. 5"9 Lesbian

Alphys: Head royal scientist, dating Undyne. Loves anime, and created Mettaton's body. She is obsessed with anime and shipping people. She is very shy, but cares very much for her friends. 22 years old. 4"2 Bisexual (But only if you count anime men.)

Papyrus: San's younger brother. A tall, innocent skeleton who's dream is to be a part of the royal guard. He loves to cook, mainly pasta, though his creations may not always be edible. 22 years old. 6"3 Gay. For Mettaton. Exclusively. 

Sans: Papyrus's older, much lazier brother. He is the only one to remember Frisks resets, and only has an hp of 1. He can teleport. He loves to make puns, but harbors a lot of pain from Frisk's dirtier resets. 25 years old. 5"11 Pansexual. 

Grillby: A kind Monster who runs a Bar and Grill. He can be found working at said bar most days, or playing with his daughter, Fuku. Both he and his daughter are fire elementals, or Monsters that are comprised of fire. But they don't burn what they touch unless they want to. 25 years old. 6"4 Gay

Fuku: A sweet, slightly southern fire elemental. She lives with her father Grillby and enjoys coloring pictures and gardening. In her free time, she likes to hang out with Frisk. 13 years old. 5"5 To young and pure to understand.

Frisk: Half sister of Orion. She journeyed to the Underground and set the Monsters free. She loves to wear over sized sweaters and bugs Sans every chance she gets.  13 years old. 5"4 Who even knows.

Mettaton: The only word that I can use to describe him is 'flamboyant'. Papyrus's boyfriend, and famous actor/singer/performer. 23 years old. 6"3 Gay as shit.

Orion: Frisk's half brother. He is a full bred Hunter, but when he was 8 years old when his mother died. Two years later, his father met Frisk's mother, a human, and Frisk was conceived. Five years later, both died in a tragic accident. The building where they worked had been rigged to explode. The perpetrator was caught, but the damage was done. The day he turned 18, he took full custody of Frisk, using some of the settlement money to buy a house for the both of them. He prefers to use fire magic, being a fire elementalist, and often ignites when upset. He has a Hunter's mark under his right eye, and, if he isn't 'too busy', can almost always be found eating some form of food. He is very gay. 23 Years old. 5"10.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope that it helps with any questions you may have in the future. I hope that you enjoy the next chapter!

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