Chapter 5

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Luke's Pov

Yeah!We are finally in America!After saying goodbyes to all the people we love back in Australia and after the long tiring flight we are finally here.By the time we landed off I was impressed by the stunning view.There were no block of flats,cars,busy people everywhere...The airport was near to a beautiful lake which was practically huge but it seemed so clear...Also an amazing park was located just behind the lake.It had big trees full of green leaves and there were a bunch of different flowers on the ground.I just stood there admiring the view.It seemed so peaceful yet so energetic that you thought that it was even able to make you feel stronger,both physically and mentally.I was just thinking about these things when Calum interrupted my thoughts :

"C'mon man.We should get moving.Ash's family is just right here and it's not right to let them wait."

I just nobbed and followed him.Both 4 of us were walking until a man around his 50's with black hair that was a bit grey and small blue eyes came in front of us.

"Ashton!" the man shouted making all of us jump.

"Uncle Joe,how things going?" Ashton asked while laughing at our reaction.

"Pretty good kid.Things are good with the restaurant and also with the kids.But how about you?I learnt that you didn't have great time back to Australia." Ash's uncle whose name is obviously Joey said.

"No no it's not that.It's just that we..." but Ash was interrupted by a tall brunette around her 40's.

"Ashton babyyy!Come here" the woman said while hugging Ashton.

"Happy to see you too aunt Jessica ." Ashton said.

"Oh my god you have grown so much.You are a man now Ash." Jessica said being overwhelmed.

"Yeah...." Ash said awkwardly but then one girl and a boy around the same age came,both shouting "Ash".

"Hey kids.How are you?" Ashton asked before hugging them.

"Omg Ash my friends will go insane if they found out that you guys are here." The girl said.

"Hahaha Tell me about it Dani.But please don't tell them about it ok?" Ash almost begged.

"Sure a thing Ash.But firstttttttt." Dani said and started running towards me,Cal and Michael.

She hugged us really tight and said:

"I wanna hug youuuu!I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!" She said.We could distinguish the excitement in her eyes.She was so a small short girl with dirty blond hair and bright black eyes.

"We love you too Dani.You are so sweet." Michael said.

"I'm so excited that we are living so near.I will live with 5sos!I'm so exciteddddddddddddddd" Dani said while jumping around us.

Then the boy just greeted us simply.He talked a bit with Ash and then we went all together to the airport's parking lot.When we went there we separated because we didn't fit in just one car.

"Ash,Michael Luke and Troy come with me.Dani and Calum go with Joey." Jessica announced.


After a short route we reached a big house.It has 3 floors and a big yard.The house was beautiful but I couldn't understand something.There were 3 floors with 3 big balconies.The one belongs to Ashton's family,the other was ours but the last one?It was full of furniture and we could see that the lights were lit.So we will be Ashton's family,we and....?

I was distracted by these thoughts but I returned back to reality when I bumped over a girl.She was a lot shorter than,me.She had straight brown hair and big bright hazel eyes.Her face was really pretty but these eyes...The way they looked at me reminded me of her...

"Watch where you are going!" She said rudely.

I was busy looking at her so although I heard it I didn't speak.

"Hey you!Watch where you're going you dumb!" She said being rudder than the other time.

Ok now I was offended.Why did she talk to me in this way?

"Ok I will.But first you should relax.Who do you think you are honey?" Now I was the rude one.But she deserved that.She was first the rude one.

"Oh just shut up.I don't even know you and you probably don't know me neither.Just watch out." She said while fixing her hair and walking away from me.But the weirdest thing is that she walked to our house....So that was a great way to meet our new neighbors...


Author's note:

Yooooo guys!How are you all doing? <3

Well see?This is the first time that Luke meets the new girl who issssssss...? Have you come up with any idea? starts at about half a week...Boringggggg!But ok we will get used to it again.

I'll try to update as soon as I can babies <3

Ohhh last but not least pleaseee

Vote/Fan/Comment <3

(Comment even If you font like it I am okay with this.I mean expressing our opinions is free and we can say whatever we want.

Sooo until the next time,

Adios People of the Internet!Love ya all sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much <3

Giota <3

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