Two Lost Souls (5th Part)

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Lucilla: Phew, I'm safe...
Yurias: Luci what will we do? We must go to look for Shary...
Some tears fell from Yurias's eyes.
Lucilla: Yes, yes... Minna, it's time to act! We have to part so we could have more possibilities to find out her
Miwa: Yeah, you're right!
Lucilla: Yurias, Tetsu, Asaka, Emiko, Ren and I will go towards east;  Miwa, Morikawa, Izaki, Misaki, Aichi and Shin... Wait a moment... But where is Shin?!
Misaki: You didn't know he had to go to an hospital immediately?
Lucilla: No, I didn't know anything! What happened?!
Misaki: Just a violent intestinal virus...
Lucilla: Oh poor him, I hope he will get well soon... However, I was saying, that group will go towards west; Kamui, Emi, Mai, Reiji and Eiji will go straight on
Kai: Hey, and me?!
Emiko: You've already done too errors today, so stay here!
Lucilla: Exact, Emiko-chan. Stay here until our return!
Kai: But...
Lucilla: Any buts! Oh and take care of Tina eh! Come on, let's go!!
Everyone: Yes!!
Lucilla: We'll meet again in front of the big window of the livingroom and if a group find Shary, then call the others on the phone
Everyone: OK!
They parted and with their respective groups they went to look for Sharon, over the thick vegetation.
Kai was alone, sat on the sofa.
Kai: I'm sorry guys, but I can't stay here without do anything... I'll go to look for her too! I want to remedy at all my errors!
He ran into Sharon's room to pick up Tina... He wanted to bear her with him.
Kai: Come on Kai, you can find her!
He held Tina thight into his arms and, worried but hopeful, he went out.

{What will happen?? You'll find out it soon😁}

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