Two Lost Souls (2nd Part)

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Meantime Lucilla, Yurias and everyone were still shocked after that they saw Sharon ran away crying half naked.

Ren: What could be happened??
Emiko: Good question 0-0
Yurias: Luci, why Shary was running half naked and she also didn't care about us??... Luci?!?!
Lucilla: AAAh poor me I'm ruined!😱 What will I do if we won't find her, what will I tell to our parents?!?!😨 AAAh I'm desperate!!!!
Emi: Come on Luci-chan don't despair, we'll understand what happened and we'll go to look for Shary-chan 
Aichi: Yeah, Emi is right :)
Miwa: We could try to go to your room, maybe we'll find a clue
Yurias: Yeah, that's a good idea! Come on, minna!

They all went to the main passage to reach from that Luci, Shary and Yurias' room.

Morikawa: To me, it's anything serious guys... HEY, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! WAIT ME!!

They were all behind the door. It was a bit opened. Tetsu came in first;  then the others followed him. They immediately noticed that Sharon's bed was smashed... She never leaves things in disorder!
Lucilla: Oh... Tina... Sharon never goes out leaving Tina, especially in that way on the bed! Sure happened something terrible if Sharon left the room so untidy... OMK BUT THERE ARE SOME TRACES OF BLOOD THERE!!! Oh, my twinnie ><
Everyone was pretty worried hearing Luci to scream that.
Yurias: Oh mom, you're right😓... But where is now my sis?!?! ><
Miwa: ... Yurias, but are you crying?
Yurias: No, I'm not!
Miwa: But listen... It seems someone is crying, I hear to sob
Emiko: Be quite a moment...
Yurias: ... It's true! I can hear that too!
Everyone: Yeah, that's true!
Lucilla: It comes from the bathroom near!
Asaka: Let's go to see!

Don't worry, you'll understand who is this mysterious person who is crying in the bathroom in the next part😁

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