Chapter 15

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My leg shook uncontrollably as I waited for the connection to come through.

"Are you sure about this?" Shiro asked for the hundredth time.

I almost gave in around the fiftieth, but I held firm.

No I have to do this.

It would mean more coming from Keith, but I needed to do this and show them that Keith means more to me than anything in the galaxy.

If they decide to ninja kill me then so be it.

I swallowed hard and shook my head.

"I'm sure." I was surprised my voice didn't crack. I felt like I would crack if this communication didn't go through soon.

"They could be too far out for us to reach them. We can try again later okay." Shiro sighed as nothing but static responded to his call.

"Okay." I nodded feeling a little disappointed, but also a little relieved.

I headed back to my room feeling exhausted. As I returned a strange feeling twisted in my gut.

Worried about Keith I burst into my room to find him in a rough state. His teeth were clenched as he gripped at the sheets. Sweat clung his hair to his scalp. He writhed in pain as a whimper escaped his lips.

I was by his side in an instant.

"Keith! Keith wake up!" I grabbed his face between my hands. His eyes flew open. The pupils were slits and the white of his eyes glowed a faint yellow.

"K-Keith?" I murmured his name.

He blinked several times before his eyes changed back to normal. Tears formed in his violet eyes as recognition flickered across his distraught features.

"Lance." He whimpered throwing himself into my arms. Surprised, I didn't have time to react and hold him back before he began to sob.

"Shh, it's okay Keith. I'm here. You're okay." I rubbed soothing circles on his back as I tried to calm him.

His heat must make him really emotional.

I chewed my lip in concern as I lie down and pulled him onto my chest. His head rest against my heart, and soon his sobs slowed into hiccups.

"Better?" I asked running my fingers through his soft mullet. He sniffed and nodded in response.

"Wanna tell me what happened Mullet?" I spoke softly. He snorted a moment before he drew back so I could look into his tear streaked face.

I wiped the trails away with my thumbs.

"I had a terrible dream that something happened to you. They- they used you to get to me." Keith's lip trembled.

He's pretty shaken up. It must have been pretty bad.

"It was just a dream. I'm right here." I gestured to myself hoping to get a small smile out of him.

He scowled at me and sat back.

"I'm serious Lance." He snapped.

I know that look. He won't back down.

I sat up sitting eye level with him.

It's time for my secret weapon.

I grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed him hard on the mouth. A muffled gasp of surprise escaped between us before he caved and kissed me back.

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