I jolt awake and look around frantically, then I feel someone stir beside me and look over to see Tobias looking at me with concerned eyes.

"What is it, are u OK?"

"No," I say while shaking. "I just had the most terrible dream ever, there was a war and I went to the erudite headquarters and almost died but then you saved me and then we ventured out side the wall and there was this place called the buro and then I actually died there and I looked down on you from heaven as you spred my ashs and the war ended by you stopping them from spreading memory serum over Chicago which is what this city was called in my dream and I am so scared what is going on."

"Whoa calm down it is just me here and none of that happened, we are waiting for your rankings to go up which should be happening any minute now so let's get going"

All right but we have to warn them that Eric is planning to use us as killing dummies and Jennine is planning war on abnegation. "

"We will tell Max and the others tonight after the rankings are announced, ok "

"Ok "

A\N so first chapter how do you like it. I wanted this fanfic to be original and new so I thought what is a way that people have not done yet.
At the end of each chapter I am going to give you a fact about me and a question and then my answer the purpose of this exercise is so I can learn about my readers.
You are supposed to comment a fact about you and the answer to my question.
F: I am a girl
Q:what's your favorite song at the moment
A:December by Neck Deep

Remember to comment


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