First we hurry to the control room and print out the war plans that were found on Eric's secure files, then we run down to the dining hall and go our separate ways.

I go and sit by Christiana, Will, Uriah, Marlene, and Lynn. They are all smiling in a knowing way at me

"Why are you all smiling like that, it is kind of creepy"

"Oh you know sun shining, birds chirping." Will says in voice, trying to imitate me from the other day

"Haha very funny, but seriously why are you smiling like that" I say getting annoyed.

"We didn't see you after the test and the rest of us were in the dorms, and you just ran in here with four behind you." Uriah says

"Oh that, he was just giving me some extra training"

"Yeah training in multiplication and subtraction, if you know what I mean" Christiana says

"Oh come on you of all people should know that that was not what I was doing"

"What do you mean " Uriah asks

"I am afraid of intimacy, it is one of my seven fears"

"Ok first of haha once a stiff always a stiff, and second off you only have seven fears that is pretty much unheard off" Uriah says, obviously impressed.

"Yeah I guess I'm just not scared of a whole lot."

"Yeah well you just ruined my chance of getting first place, I had 12 fears." Says Uriah

"Yeah I had 25 fears." Christiana says.

"Well I had 23 fears" Will says.

"I just hope that Peter had like 30 fears so he will get kicked out" I say trying to ease the tension

Then a microphone speaks and I look up and see Tobias is standing on a table waiting for the cafeteria to quite down.

Then Christiana leans over to me and says " you know, four is actually really fucking hot"

"Dont say that, aren't you dating Will" I say a little to defensively.

"Yeah but if that doesn't work out I am so going for that"

"No, you won't " I say in a deadly voice and she looks pretty scared if I do say so myself

"Oh really and what is going to stop me, is my best friend crushen"

The mic. squeaks again and Tobias looks pretty annoyed so I lean over and say " I will tell you later"

Then Tobias says" Ok so first would the first jumper please come on this table with me"

I slowly get up and try to look confused when really I am excited to be close to him again. When I reach the table Toby helps me on to it then says" now Max will you please come to the table " at first I wonder what he is doing the I realize that the war planes and all of the stuff that we printed earlier is rolled up under his arm. Then Max gets to the table Toby goes into four mode and I have to say now that I am no longer training four mode is pretty sexy. "Ok we have two announcements to make, we will say the nice one first because you will all freak out after the other. So first, all of you boys that are currently staring at Tris's butt, stop because she is officially off limits" Toby says with a smile. "What does that mean" someone from the crowd yells. "It means that she is my girlfriend so hands off" at this I hear Christiana scream "I soo knew it omg" "now that that news is out you can go back to your seat if you want" Toby says sweetly to me, I smile gratefully at him and rush back to my seat. "Second Eric is planing to use us as killing dummies and Jennine is planning a war on abnegation, Max here are the plans. They were found in Eric's secure files" Tobias say. Max's face is priceless after he is done looking at the papers "thank you four, I will alert them both to the candor for a trail but until then they will both stay in our prison cells." Max says. "Ok now for the rankings" Tobias says.

1. Tris
2. Uriah
3. Lynn
4. Marlene
5. Peter
6. Will
7. Christiana
8. Dauntless born
9. Dauntless born
10. Dauntless born
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11. Molly
12. Drew

Anyone below the line is cut so that means that Molly and Drew are cut. Zeke stands on the table Tobias just got off of and yells" party at my place in honor of the new dauntless couple, Four and Tris!" After that me and Tobias go back to his apartment trying to dodge congratulations and hugs from random people.

A\N so, that was a pretty long chapter it took me like three or four days to find the time to write this. Mostly I just write at night.

F: I am a amateur radio operator (if you don't know what that is then look it up)
Q: What is your favorite book series
A: Divergent of course

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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