Chapter 1:

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"Hey Girl" Kristen said. Kristen is my BFF, we've been best friends since the 3rd grade. When Hayes pushed me off the slide, Kristen picked me up and carried me too the nurse. From that day on we've been best friends.

"Hey bestie, you still coming over to hang out, my dad has work so we have the whole house to ourselves, that means Party!!" I said. Taylor started laughing and I joined in, I hope she gets it through her head that I was joking about having a party, and trust me you don't wanna see that side. I closed my locker door shut and turned around.

"Hey SLUT, how's life in hell" Jordan said while laughing. I hate that SLUT. I know SLUT is a really strong word, but if I described Jordan I think you would understand why she's a slut. EHM, Jordan Griffis, a 14 year old girl who dates every guy she sees. She's now in a relationship with Hayes Grier. She doesn't like me, I don't know why. But it doesn't really matter to me. Jordan threw my Spanish book across the hallway and walked away.

"Why does this always happens" I whispered to myself. I grabbed my Spanish books and walked into class.

"Ms. Valentine you're late again" Ms. Gonzalez said. Ms. Gonzalez is my Spanish teacher. I was always late for her class because of Jordan, I never told any of my teachers about Jordan and Hayes bullying me that causes the reason why I'm late too class, because Jordan said that if I said one word about my bullying it will get worse.

"Sorry Ms. Gonzalez it won't happen again" I said. I was about to walk too my seat until Ms. Gonzalez grabbed my arm.

"I know you won't be late too my class again because you have detention today, after school." I nodded my head and walked too my desk. I sit next too Jordan's Barbie doll friends. They all act like total sluts, like for example even though were 14 I think they aren't virgins.

*Skip all her classes cause nothing important happens , now it's detention*

I walked into the science class where detention was held. I saw a couple of kids that usually gets into trouble and in the corner I saw Hayes and Jordan making out. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. I rolled my eyes and sat in a desk that was far away from Hayes and Jordan and put my head down. After 30 minutes of putting my head down In shame. Detention was over, I grabbed my backpack and ran out of the room. I remembered that before I left the house my mom asked for coffee. I stopped at Starbucks and bought her a ice coffee and bought myself a hot chocolate because I wasn't a fan of coffee, I didn't like coffee nor beer. They taste disgusting. I started walking to my moms job, she's a famous singer. I never told anyone but Kristen my mom is famous. My mom is Cristina Perri. I know, I know my last name is Valentine and hers is Perri, it's because my dad's last name was Valentine, so my last name is Valentine, and my moms last name is Perri but when she married my dad she kept her maiden name.

"Hi honey, thanks for the coffee"my mom said while giving me a giant bear hug. "How was school".

"Oh school was great, just a lot of homework" I said with a fake smile. My mom doesn't know that I get bullied because I don't want her getting all worked up and all worried about me because the truth is I'm fine. I do cut. But not a lot. So really there's nothing too worry about.

"Oh, it's okay just go home and finish you're homework, I feel like I'm holding you back from you're studies" I nodded my head and walked out of the building. I started walking home until I saw Jordan and Hayes kissing from the distance. This is like the 2nd time I ran into them kissing, and I hope it's the last. I started walking again and I finally got to my house. I saw Jordan walking away and Hayes walking closer too me. I went through my backpack as fast as I can so that I can find my keys and get inside my house before Hayes finds me. I looked again and again but I couldn't find it. I had no option but too call my mom so she can give me the keys. I sat down on my porch and got out my phone.

"Mom can you come too he house I forgot my keys inside" I said hoping she doesn't freak that I lost the keys.

"Okay honey on my way" she said. Oh thank god she's in a good mood. I waited for about 2 minutes and then I saw Hayes going into a house next door. Oh no please tell me he's not my neighbor. I started too panic but I stopped because I saw my mom coming. She got out of the car.

"Here you go honey" she gave me the keys too the house and gave me a small smile before going back into her car too go back to work. I opened the door too my house and went too the kitchen, I looked through the freezer and found some chocolate ice cream. I went to the living room and laid on the couch with a cozy blanket watching Pretty Little Liars. I was watching it for about 10 minutes until I heard the doorbell ring, so I paused the show and got up. I opened the door too find a guy, he's tall he has blue he's and hair that went too the side, he looked like he was about 17 years old.

"Hi, what do you need" I said with a smile.

"Um, hi I'm Nash you're neighbor."

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