Chapter 3:

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Brooke's P.O.V-

To get myself relaxed I went into the music room. I got out a microphone and started to sing. I chose the song "Human" by my mom. It seemed so inspirational.

I started singing:

I can hold my breath

I can bite my tongue

I can stay away for days if that's what you need

Be you're number one

I can fake a smile

I can force a laugh

I can dance play the part if that's what you ask

Give you all I am

I can do it x3

Cause I'm only human

And I plead when I fall down

I'm only human and I crash and I break down

You're words in my head knives in my heart you build my up and then I fall apart

Cause I'm only human.

I heard claps in the background I turned around to see Hayes. I was so pissed right now. I got up and walked away. I ran too my room and called Kristen.

"Hey Kristen"

"Hey Brooke what's up"

"You know Hayes right"

"Um... Yeah last time I checked he's in our class" she said in a sarcastic way.

"Yeah.. So now he has too stay in my house for a week"

"Isn't Hayes the one that bullies you"

"Hayes and Jordan bully me, that's why I don't want Hayes in my house".

"Can't you deal with him for a week"

"No I can't deal with that idiot for a week , a week is so long. It's 7 days, and you never know he might bully me in my house too".

"Oh now that's low"

"Yeah and his brother Nash is so different from him, Nash is nicer and funny and smarter"

"Wait Nash, as in Nash Grier"

"Yeah...... Why"

"That's my boyfriend"

"Isn't he like 17, and you're 15" . Btw Kristen got left back in the 1st grade.

"Yeah...... But that's nothing"

"Okay.... We'll see later, you're still coming over right"

"Yep, bye"

I hung up the phone and laid on my bed. What happen if Hayes really did change. Anyways if he changed I don't care because he's still dating that slut, Jordan.

Hayes P.O.V-

"What do you want bro" Nash said while groaning.

"I just heard Brooke sing, she's so good"

"Wow stalk much" Nash said while rolling his eyes.

"No, but I want you too hear what she says about me" I said .

"Really first you stalk her and now you want to listen too her conversation with friends, that's low dude, even for you". Nash said

"So are you in it or not"

"Yeah let's go, I'm bored anyways"

"Wait how are you bored you know there's a pool and a trampoline and more stuff right" his eyes widened.

"How did I not know this house is huge". We started walking and when we got too her room she was having a conversation with someone.

"Hey Kristen" she said. I guess she was talking to Kristen.

"You know Hayes right" I knew she was talking about me I turned too see Nash expression he was trying too hold his laughter at how Brooke was talking about me and not him.

"Yeah.......So now he has too stay in my house for a week". "Hayes and Jordan bullied me.""No I can't deal with that idiot for a week, a week is so long. It's 7 days, and you never know he might even bully me In my house." Why would she think that..... Oh yeah cause I bully her in school. "Yeah and His brother Nash is so different from him. He's nicer and funny and smart". I looked at Nash and he had a huge smirk on his face. Because he knew she liked him more than me. I had enough I walked away and went to my room. Why does she hate me. Just because I bully her, that's nothing. I had enough I went too my phone and dialed Jordan's number.

"Hey babe" she said.

"Hey babe, wanna come over"

"Sure I'm on my way"

"K, bye" I hung up and put my phone down. I ran downstairs and saw Cristina making dinner.

"Hey Ms. Perri"

"Hi honey, you can just call me Cristina, what do you need."

"I was wondering If my girlfriend could come over?" I asked.

"Sure, btw can you ask Nash if he can take care I have too run down too the studio. I'll be back late".

"Okay" I ran upstairs and ran into Brooklyn.

"Sorry" she said. Her voice was so soft and high it was so cute.

"It's okay it was my fault anyways" I said. I walked into my room and heard my phone ring. I picked it up.

"Hey I'm outside you're house"

"Okay, btw I'm staying at the house next door" I told Jordan.

"K" I hung up and heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and saw Jordan. I took her by the hand and we went too my room. I went into my room and Jordan sat down on the bed. She grabbed my collar and started to make out. It took about 6 minutes.

"Let's go downstairs" I said. I ran downstairs and saw Brooke,Kristen, and Matthew sitting on the couch watching The Fault In Our Stars. Matthew Espinosa is not popular. But he's also not a nerd, he's in the middle. He's a football player. I didn't know they were friends. Matthew and Brooke were cuddling on the couch and Kristen and Nash were cuddling on the other couch. I felt a pang of jealousy when I saw Matthew kiss Brooke on the forehead. I don't know why. I'm dating Jordan.

"What is the freak doing here?" Jordan yelled. Brooke turned around and I saw her eyes were getting teary, she ran away to the basement. And everyone on the couch gave me a dirty look.

"Jordan why don't you just get out" Kristen said.

"Aww, look the other freak looks like this house is full of them even Matthew. Why would you hang out with them. They deserve too drop dead and go too hell-"

"Okay Jordan get out!!" I yelled. Jordan looked at me and her eyes widened.

"What did you just say too me?"

"I told you too get out!!! Were over" I yelled. She rolled her eyes and left the house. Everyone was staring at me.

"What why are you all looking at me"

"Why would invite her over!!" Nash yelled.

"Yeah.... You know what Brooklyn was right you are just bullies. You bully her for no damn reason".

"I care about her" I said.

"Really then Why would you invite Jordan over"

"Then why did she invite Matthew over!" I said while raising my voice a bit.

"Because were friends " Matthew said.

"Really do friends kiss other friends"

"Dude calm down, I don't know why you care so much you're not even dating her"

"I know I don't date her but I love her!!" I yelled. Everyone's eyes went wide. I covered my mouth. Until I realized I was right. I love Brooklyn Valentine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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