Chapter 17

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Who knew I would be spending the first minute, once I got to school, lying on the ground.

Not what I expected. Nope not at all. 

I walked through the school doors at around 7:50 and the moment I stepped in, I hit a wall. 

A WALL! Oh wait. Okay, maybe that wasn't a wall...

Nope, not a wall. Definitely not a wall. I look up and my eyes meet with Cole's bright, icy blue ones. 

Huh, and I thought he was a wall!

Upon realizing that I was now, indeed, on the ground. I get up and just kinda turn my back on Cole as I pick up the things that I dropped. 

And no. There was no cliche book drop, pickup thing. Yeah, that really only happens in movies, and books. It didn't happen, that's for certain.

He holds out his hand, to help me up. Which I gladly take and pull myself up with. Afterwards, I just quickly walk to my locker, muttering a thank you. 

From there I walk to class without looking back. 


I am so alone.

Huh, I never thought of myself as lonely. But um. I can clearly see that i'm a major loner. 

After Faerah moved away I really didn't have anyone else. Yeah, Aiden, his group, and Cole were all acquaintances to me.

But friends? Nope.

I was sitting on a bleacher outside the school. Kids usually just went and sat out here at lunch, at the beginning of the year we weren't allowed to go out here. But the teachers can only hold so many people back.

While i'm sitting there taking in the silence, I get a phone call.

From Faerah. 



"Hey, it's been awhile"

"That is has, how are you doing?"

"Okay, so you won't believe this, but like...I may or may not be dating Cole Claren!"

"Wait. The Cole? But he goes to this school, and you're all the way where you are!"

"Yeah. I met him before I left and we talk on the phone a lot and stuff. And well now we're kinda in a long distance relationship."

"Faerah that's awesome. But just, do you really think this is going to work out. Or even last?"

"I don't know Talia. I don't know."

That's when the bell rang for class. So I quickly said a goodbye and hung up. 

When she told me she was with Cole something in my head kind of went off. I'm not quite sure though. She seemed really happy, but they live miles and miles away from each other. That'll be hard to deal with. 

With my thoughts a crazy whirlwind, I head to class and the rest of the day my head is pounding. 


I walk into my house, calling for my dad. But getting no response. 

Well then. I head to the kitchen in hopes of finding some food.

I did not succeed unfortunately. I never thought I could fail at finding food. Yet I did. There was literally no food that was edible in my house. How does this even happen!?!?!?!

Time to go food shopping!


I finally get to the grocery store and as I walk in I see Aiden. Just chilling in the front, where you walk in. Just casually on his phone.

By casually I mean, he was pacing back and forth looking down at his phone. Like he was expecting something...Or maybe someone...

Well, that was none of my business, so I just quickly walk by, and continue on my way. Grabbing ingredients for different meals. And I kinda wanted to make everything I couldn't have. 

Yeah that might be a problem...Welp, hm...Pancakes for dinner it is! As I walk down the baking aisle, all my thoughts kinda slip through the cracks of the back of my brain. Then i'm suddenly thinking about when Cole had asked me to get coffee.

Now that I think about it, did he ask me out..? But no, that couldn't be it. He must've already been with Faerah. 

As my brain is about to explode with a bunch of random thoughts, I quickly just go down the aisles and grab everything I need for the pancakes. For the fluffy goodness of pancakes!

Ooo, nutella! Now that stuff is heavenly. Put nutella on pancakes, add some banana on top. And Voila! Delicious!

I had grabbed everything I needed and I finished with checking all the food out. But as I was trying to put my wallet away, and grab all the bags. Aiden came and quickly grabbed the bags from me. Lifting the weight off my arms. 

"There you go, this might be easier now" Aiden says as he stares down at the bags. 

"Aw, thank you!" I respond, as I start walking over to my car. I may hate driving. But that doesn't mean I never drive, or that I don't have my drivers license. 

Aiden helped me load the bags into the car. As well as put the shopping cart away. 

"Hey, thanks for the help." I say after a silent pause. 

"Oh of course, no problem. Anytime." He responds and nods. 

"Okay, well. I've got to get going, um I guess i'll see you at school. Bye." And with that awkward bye, I head into the driver seat, and drive home. 

Once again, I was at home. Except this time. I had food!

But even after finishing everything, I knew. 

Even the happiest and brightest moments have a darkness enforcing them. It's all just covered. ___________________________________________

Oh my goodness!!! I'm so super sorry for not writing for so long! I've been on a major writers block, and I couldn't get anything down. This chapter was mostly a filler..and some foreshadowing. Sorry, it's nothing very good, or much. But also thank you for over 800 reads! I honestly just wanted to post something, as I hadn't written much in such a long time! (This chapter isn't really edited either)


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