Alternate Chapter 67

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  At noon the following day, Brendon, Jon and Joe were in the suite at the resort, trying to settle down and eat some lunch. And while Jon and Joe were doing exactly that, Brendon was a blur of nervous energy, pacing around the room because he was unable to sit still.

  "Brendon!" Jon called through laughter, "Please sit down and eat something. You don't want to pass out while you're up there with Ryan trying to get married!"

  "Yeah, dude," Joe said, "you're gonna work yourself into a tizzy! It's all good. Chill, sit and have some of this food."

  Brendon laughed and turned to both men. "I'm sorry guys. I'm so nervous and excited and happy, all at the same time! I can't believe Ryan and I are getting married today!"

  "I can," Jon said seriously, but with a smile. "You two are a perfect match for each other. You balance each other out so well, it's unbelievable. After spending so much time with you two together, it was only a question of 'when', not 'if'. It's so blatantly obvious how much you two love each other."

  Brendon smiled over at Jon. "Thanks, Jon. That means a lot coming from you. Aside from Ryan, you know me better than anybody. This just feels like a dream."

  "Well I'm happy for both you dudes," Joe said with a smile. "You two deserve to be happy together. Now, will you sit and try to eat so you can make it through until the reception?"

  "Ok, you're right. I have to eat something, or I won't have the energy to enjoy the day. How long until we head back to the house?"

  "William is gonna pick us up in like an hour and a half. So get eating because you need to shower!" Jon was taking his job of keeping Brendon on track very seriously. He wanted the day to go perfectly for his two close friends.

  Brendon nodded and gave Jon a mock salute. "Yes, sir!", he said with a smirk.


  The wedding had gone perfectly so far, and was simple and beautiful. Ryan's eyes had sparkled as he watched Brendon walking down the aisle toward him. They clasped hands and never let go. They couldn't stop smiling at one another, even as they spoke their vows, which they had written themselves.

  Brendon had just finished sliding Ryan's wedding ring on his finger, and Ryan took Brendon's ring, and spoke their last vow as he slid it on Brendon's left hand: "With this ring, I marry you, and with it, I pledge you my faithfulness."

The judge looked between them and smiled. "Now that you have spoken your vows and exchanged rings, by the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I pronounce you married. It gives me great pleasure to present for the first time, Mr. Ryan Ross and Mr. Brendon Urie-Ross. You may now kiss your groom."

  Both men smiled blindingly at one another and embraced for a slow but passionate kiss. As they did so, the entire room went up in huge cheers from every guest and family member present. When they separated from their kiss, everyone lined up to hug and congratulate the newlywed couple.

  Out of everyone, it was Jacob's reaction that surprised the boys the most. As soon as he reached them, he gave Ryan a huge tight hug, followed by one for Brendon. When they were done embracing, Jacob said somewhat shyly, "I'm just so happy for you guys. And Ryan, I'm so proud of you. I've actually always known you had the potential to do great things, and now you are. Congratulations, guys."

  Ryan looked for a moment like he might cry, so Brendon squeezed his hand and smiled at him. He turned to Jacob, giving him a smile as well. "Thanks, Jake. That really means a lot. We're so glad to have you here."

  After all the congratulations were said, everyone moved back into the house to the dining and living area that had been set up for a miniature reception space. They had an amazing five-course meal, followed by the wedding cake, which the grooms proceeded to smash in each other's faces, laughing the whole time. Then Brendon and Ryan had a first dance, followed by Ryan and Brendon each dancing with Pamela.

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