Chapter 3 : Finale

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Chapter 3:

At the School:

I felt all normal and happy until we got to the front steps of the school and then had extreme déjà vu (not because I been at this school for years but because of no people being there – it was exactly like my vision) everything was so precisely to my vision it wasn't funny. The angle of light, the timing of winds, the movements, everything.

"Come'n Taryn, lets got to see if anyone is here and let the lovebirds keep a lookout until we get back," Jarrod says with a smirk on his face. Taryn was about to speak and object, but Jarrod elbowed him hard in the ribs and Taryn grunted then giving a forced nod. "Bye, have fun..." Jarrod had a mischievous look on his face and then gave both Carlos and I a playful punch on our shoulders. As a hint for something? Both Jarrod and Taryn left, as Carlos and I sit down.

Carlos pulls away from me once they're gone for a few minutes and there wasn't any awkward silence it was just lovely and comforting company we enjoyed each other's presence'. Or so I thought?

"Do you, still want to go to Harvard? All the way to America? Just because it's the best university in the world and because its IVY league? Like, Bella, I really like you but what is happening with us.... With you... in the future? There is so much going on right now, and I want to be on the same page," Carlos blurts out in an anxious and concerned tone.

I understand where he is coming from, but this didn't sound like Carlos. I knew something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I took a step towards him, and he took a step back, he was already a few metres away from when he had got up. "ok, I understand where you are coming from but, I don't understand why so many questions and the way you worded them and the tone of your voice, since we have talked about this." I take a pause and gather my thoughts. "Carlos, Yes I do ... I still want to go to Harvard but I still don't know whether I will get my score high enough to go there and plus it's my dream university so you can't blame me and it would set me on a great path for my career for being a therapist for people who suffer from PTSD – You know I have back up plans, but there is no guarantee for me going there. Just because it's in America doesn't mean I won't visit and it doesn't mean it's the end of us, we still have 2 years before anything permanent for a university. Carlos, you mean a lot to me, just because our lifestyles don't match doesn't mean this is the end, we have 2 years left of high school first!"

"What is that meant to mean Bella? That I'm not a priority to you? That I'm just something on the side and I mean nothing to you, and if I just don't fit with you then you'll throw me away? And not even try?" Carlos snaps back.

"Carlos, you mean so much to me. You know that. I have fought for you, and I have stuck by your side after everything. So, don't go talking to me like that. I understand you have concerns about the future, but why not just talk about it?" I say starting to lose will of staying strong as I speak I got weaker as I spoke.

"Bella, I'm sorry – there is just so much going on. –"He replies, and I interrupt him "No, Save it. Carlos, you always say that every single time."

He reacts with " Bella... "

He took a sigh and that's when I said, " You mean so much to me Carlos, but you can't treat me like you are the only one in the relationship because I'm here too, and you can't snap at me all the time when people aren't around, because I'm not going to let myself be treated like this for much longer. You have given me a million reasons to walk away, but I just need one good one to stay."

He looks like he is about to break when he repeats my name. Before he goes on because I know what is going to come out of his mouth. I say, "Carlos, I love you... But I am not going to allow myself to be treated like this all the time. I have more self-respect than that. We've talked about this..."

After he had listened to what I had said, and after I realised what I have just said. The words 'I love you' We haven't said that to each other yet and now he had become frozen. I didn't know what to do – I stayed quiet after he didn't respond or move for a few moments.

It's been a bit less than 10 minutes since Jarrod and Taryn have left, and they had just returned with a light jog.

"Oi, what happened to Mr Carlos? "Says, Taryn in concern and curiosity

"code:52239762859, "Carlos Finally speaks, although when Jarrod and Taryn turn their heads to me as if they understood what he said – It wasn't right. They looked so conflicted but angry and frustrated. Taryn still had his katana on him, and he reached for it. DÉJÀ JU EXTREME! Uh, oh. This can't be good.

"Because you have done so much for us and because you are our friend we will give you a 10-second head start. Does that seem fair Jarrod?" Taryn says trying not to be to mean. After Taryn finished what he was saying, Jarrod gave him a nod. " I am truly Sorry Bella, please run as fast and as far as you can before we get you... 10, 9, 8..." Taryn says before I sprint off, but I don't know where to go. I sprint forward, and when I am out of their sight I turn right, there are a few buildings and I could hide in between them and I would be ok for different hiding spots, but there are 2 of them and 1 of me. Its been a few minutes now and I'm about to move to get a better a view of where they are until I hear and see both Taryn and Jarrod chatting and looking around for me. The first thing I notice about Taryn is that his katana is out of its sleeve and that means that blood must be drawn or else... Do, they want to kill me?

I flinch at the thought of one of my friends let alone 2 of them trying to kill me? But, that costed me. There were some leaves underneath me that I forgot about and they crunched when I flinched. Taryn and Jarrod looked directly in my direction, and both signalled to each other that the noise was in my direction and that it could be me. They carefully creep towards me. I make a split-second decision and bolt. I don't know where I am going I'm just running, and it's for my life, I bolt for the other side of the school property.

Its been at least 10 minutes now but it feels like hours, hiding then running and on repeat.

Why are they doing this?

I bolt again, but I can't find any hiding spots closely. Taryn is close behind me and Jarrod is a bit behind him. I can't escape, and I know that. I make another split-second decision.

"Taryn, why are you doing this?" I say breathlessly, and I start to slowly slow down my pace of running.

"It's code:52239762859 sorry, but I can't Save you this time."

"WHAT!?!?!? Please spare me, Taryn! PLEASE! Why?? Why do you want to kill me? Or hurt me? I don't get it!" I exclaim replying to Taryn.

Jarrod sprints ahead of me somehow? He grabs my arms and holds them behind me now, I fall from stopping so suddenly. He pulls me back up to my feet and keeps my arms so tightly behind my back I couldn't move even if I tried. Taryn moves closer and adjusts his grip on his katana.

"Please! What did I do wrong?!? Please Spare my life! What happened to being my only trusted friends?" I scream, but they don't reply

Taryn makes a little cut on my jaw, and then takes a giant strike and slashes all the way from right underneath the right side of my jaw all the way through my chest and through my stomach and to the bottom of my hips on my left, a final scream leaves my mouth and blood went everywhere – I started to choke on my own blood. I take my last look at the sky and the sunlight, the sky turned to white everything fades to white as I gasp for one last breath.


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