I looked at he window to see if the coast is clear. Everyday, the robots come to hunt for us. Today they killed a group and a couple. I watched them exterminate the couple from my hiding spot. They were in tears. They had their last kiss in this world now ruled by mechanisms. I don't want that to happen to me and Mark. He is the only one I can be with right now in this very dreadful place.

I sat at the seat near my window. I turned on the television to watch news.

"Breaking news! Robot experiment went wrong. Robots are now about to take over the world. Everyone run before you will be destro-" the TV cut off

I panicked I had no idea on what to do now. I don't know any survival skills.

Someone is knocking on my door.

I opened the door with one lock still... locked.

I saw a robot with this gun looking so alien-like.

I screamed on the top of my lungs as the door broke.

I grabbed a knife and tried to hit the robot. Failed. But there was a cut. But it wasn't hurt.

I got cornered then I saw this... spear? I don't know what the hell it is but it went through the chest of the robot.

It crumbled and I saw the person who saved me.

'He looks cute...' I thought

'No time for distractions Y/N!' I screamed in my thoughts to myself

"Thank you so much." I told the stranger

"Who are you?" I asked

"Mark." he said in a friendly tone


"Y/N." I said

I hugged him as a form of gratitude.

It was very awkward yet he still smiled like we had been doing this for a long time.

Time skip
We became close as in really close. We were always there for each others side. We started making out when he confessed his love to me after a few months together. Fast? Agree. Met for only 3-5 months and now loves each other as a special somebody. We have great chemistry. Our weakness is only the fear of not seeing each other again. Robots now are hunting us flesh to be exterminated, destroyed, burned, etc. I don't want to lose him.

End of Flashback

I looked at him who is also in horror. Scared, I pulled myself closer to him. Our hiding spot may be good but these hunter robots are getting better with its senses.

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Mark said in his calm yet scared voice.

He hugged me tighter.

"When will you think the robots will... rust?" I said not really knowing their term of dying.

"Probably by 10 years... but they're getting smarter." he said

"I really want us to still be together... alive." I said

"There are a lot of beautiful things in this world like you." I continued

"I love you so much." he said

"I don't know what to do without you."

"I love you too darling" I said

We cuddled together until I fell asleep.

Mark's POV

She looks pretty when she sleeps. Sleeping Beauty is what I call her. She is a wonderful person. I don't want her to die. I have to protect her from them. I'm not a killer nor hunter. I'm a lover kind. It is too hard to hide the truth from Y/N. The fact that I am a robot. Made by the stupid scientists who were stupid enough to let this happen to the world. Why am I not part of this robot army? I am a different kind like I said before. I am supposed to be the first's robot that looks and acts like a human but I don't eat food and drink water. I don't grow old. I don't die but we can rust. Oh, Mark isn't also my real name. My real name is MT-74793. It is just to cover up that I am... you know.

I imagined telling her the truth about me. It will hurt so much. She might get afraid and just abandon me and she'll go on her own. Then, she might get herself killed... I decided to not tell her. I'll find the best moment just not now.

I took a cushion that is torn already and put it under her head. I stood up from where I am and sneaked out to this junk shop

Time skip

At the junk shop, I saw the pieces I needed. I found the case of some elements combined that I hid before this all started. It is for my power. That's because robots can't eat, drink, but need to be powered by this thing. I removed old one and replaced it with the new one. I returned it back as quick as possible to also find food so she won't be suspicious of where I'd gone.

Robot In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now