Chapter 5: Searching for Mario

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You and Luigi waited for Mario's returned. But it felt like it was taking a long time. A really long time. You guys were just sitting on the couch, relaxing and just watching TV. Luigi looked pretty shaky and just worried. He knew something wasn't right. 

"I think we should look for my brother! He's been out for a while with the professor!" He blurts out, looking at you. "Aren't you worried about this, (Y/N)?" 

You were actually. Your boss was supposed to be back and Mario as well. But they never showed for hours. You gave a sigh, looking at Luigi with your hand on his lap. "You're right. I am, too and we need to get to the bottom of this. They are at the mansion so let's check there." You got up, helping Luigi up. The two of you went to find some things to defend yourself within the spooky mansion. 

"May I suggest The Poltergust 3000?" You said, picking it up for Luigi to use. "Mario did say ghosts are lurking within. Better be ready if we want to get out safely." 

"Hehe, thanks. I think it's best to stay here, (Y/N)," Luigi began. "These ghosts might be too much for ya. Plus, who knows what could be lurking within. If anything, I can handle this alone."

You rolled your eyes as he placed the Poltergust 3000 behind his back. "Luigi, I can handle myself, too. I want to find the professor and Mario. They need us both! C'mon!" You grabbed his hand. "Besides, I never get out much to see places that you guys go to."

Luigi blinked. "You really want that?" 

"Of course! Let's go! Our friends need us!" You dragged Luigi towards the front door quick like. You were just so eager to find not only your friends but to explore the new environment you'll be heading off to. You took a lantern and opened the door to breathe in and out the cool, breeze of the night air.

You and Luigi were stuck together, side by side. You both were scared by the darkness of the night. But inside, you found it enjoyable. Looking up at the night sky, the moon, hearing the animals make unique noises. You just found it pretty much peaceful. The two of you followed the road that leads to the mansion which was noticeable far away. It was pretty huge and your face glowed with excitement. You ran ahead of Luigi.

"This is the mansion?!" You shouted in glee. "This is so amazing!"

"A-amazing?! It's a haunted house! Nothing special about it, (Y/N)," Luigi replied back with a confused but terrified look towards you and the mansion. 

The ghosts within the mansion saw you two about to enter the place. They immediately headed off to see King Boo. In his throne room, he was drinking wine. One of his subjects flies in. 

"Your Highness," a Boo says. "Luigi has arrived."

"Along with someone else, too! Ha! Bet he was a chicken to come in here alone~" a female Boo says with a giggle.

"Oh?" King Boo got up from his throne to head towards his big windows. Upon looking down, he sees his enemy, Luigi and you below. He grinned, licking his lips with his indigo colored tongue. "Another guest? I do say, my Boos, she is quite a star of the night. I wonder why she is with him?!" He scoffs. He couldn't stop looking at you. Your (Y/H/C) hair glimmering under the moonlight and staring down at your (Y/E/C) eyes made him become hypnotized by them. Your figure was quite something, too. He couldn't help see you, but how? Well, his plans are still intact. He wants to capture Luigi and that's that. You... He has new plans for you~ He turned back to look at his Boos. "Boos! I want you to devise a plan to distract and keep Luigi separated from that girl down with him. When she is alone, I want you all to bring her to me, understand?" 

The Boos nodded, following their king's orders. The others from earlier left his room along with a few others. King Boo smiled, knowing that once Luigi and you head in, you and he will meet while your friend, Luigi, will be in peril and meeting his end. 

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