Ah Of Course

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"Please pick up or at least tell us where you are we're worried about you," Steve hung up his message.

Four days.

You've been gone for four days. The guys didn't think it was that big of a deal to communicate between themselves but the recognised that you must have felt left out. They didn't consult you and left message after message on your phone asking you to come home. They began worrying about you the moment they realised you had left and their worry turned into fear once they contacted everyone they knew who said they didn't know where you were.

According to your check-ins you were all around town at different restaurants and hanging with different people, evening posting photos with Nat and Wanda. The boys were frustrated and continued to message you in any way possible. It was only until the 3rd night where you posted a photo to your Facebook account of two pairs of legs resting on a coffee table. Steve grew angry at the clear passive aggressiveness of the posts. Were you suddenly single? Not notifying them in the process. They got the message: you were hurt. But this was too far.

"Hey," Nat answered her phone.

"Is she with you?" Steve was storming around the room while Bucky studied the recent picture.

"What?" Nat had just woken up from a nap and was utterly confused.

"Y/N. She's with you isn't she?"

"No, I haven't seen her in like a month,"

"What?" Steve stopped and turned her on speaker for Bucky to listen.

"I haven't seen Y/N for about four weeks. What's going on?"

"What?" Bucky asked.

"Oh come on you clearly heard me. Is she okay?" The boys didn't answer.

"When was the last time you saw Wanda?" Steve asked sternly.

"Last night"

"And when was the last time she saw Y/N?"

"Ages ago, further than me. Guys what's going on?"

"X-Box," Bucky spoke out of the blue. He spotted the gaming console in the picture and noticed it was an old photo.


"She's with Dylan," Bucky made his way out. Steve's heart sank a bit. Why would you be with your ex?


"Why am I here again?" You asked the same question for the fourth time. Being tied to a bed by your ex-lovers new girlfriend isn't a fun Wednesday night option but it was your only one.
Diana sighed and emptied the pan from under you.

You were humiliated. Naked on a beige tarp and only covered by a thin sheet. Diana had come in once a day and peered at your body with a look you could recognise in an instant: jealousy. Jealousy and hate. Why did she feel it? She got what she wanted. She had Dylan. Why did she want you? You asked her everyday and yet she stayed silent. Never uttered a word. Although you did notice her smile every time she walked out, a smug smile. Did she need to see you in rags and with bruises everywhere? What did she want?

The abduction wasn't scary. A soft knock on the front door followed by a needle to the neck. Pretty smart. No noise, no fuss. You gave her props for that and for carrying you all the way back to her apartment. You had no idea where you were exactly but you felt confident that it was her flat based on the dozens of pictures of Dylan all around the room.

"Seriously if you don't talk to me, how can I help you? You obviously need me for something," your mouth was so dry you had resorted to swallowing your saliva. She came in every now and again to give you some water and food but it never sustained you. You had no energy but you hadn't given up hope that the boys or police would find you.

"Where are we today? Movies? Watching...Glass. I like Bruce Willis, he's quite handsome for his age," she never responded. So this was good. But it made you realise that she was keeping activity on your accounts-which meant people thought you were safe. Diana noticed the gulp in your throat, no quick come back. She has the upper hand. "Good."

And she left again. She had been putting something in the water to make you pass out and always wake up with a dry mouth. You called out, often in the middle of the night, for water but she just ignored you.


"Open up, Asshole!" Bucky's voice boomed while he banged on the door.
Dylan opened his front door and was instantly caught by the throat and up against the wall by Steve's hand.

"Where is she?" Steve was furious but calm, which made him dangerous. Dylan was choking on his own saliva and felt the blood vessels in his eyes beginning to show.

"She's not here!" Bucky quickly searched the apartment. Dylan was beginning to fade out so Steve dropped him to the ground. Gasping for air, he backed up and sat against the wall.

"Wh-what are you doing?!"

"Y/N is missing. We're only going to ask this once and if we find out you're lying," Steve squatted and made eye contact, "we will hurt you."

"Do you know where she is?" Bucky's voice was so low and threatening it would have made a tiger run. Dylan gulped and shook his head. He seemed to be telling the truth with the amount of fear in his eyes. The boys sighed with defeat, they went to leave but Dylan stopped them.

"Wait! I can help you find her! Let me help,"

"Why? How on earth could you help?" Bucky was squeezing the doorframe so hard it made a dent. The words stung Dylan but he had his ways.

"Here," she untied your wrists, letting you sit up and offered you a cup of tea. You took it cautiously. You didn't need a diuretic, you needed water but you let the warm liquid touch your lips and inhaled the comforting scent.

"Did I finally break you down?" You joked.

"You consistently humping this creaky mattress doesn't help me sleep at night but I'm ready to talk,"

"Oh good," You set the tea on the floor, "tell me what's on your mind," You breathed out, your head felt like a balloon, still affected by the lack of fluids.

"He still loves you," a silence followed.

"We were together for a long time." Diana turned away and tried not to cry. She didn't want to be seen as weak, "he loves you, you know that,"

"Then why did he break...up," the girl sobbed but you got the gist and frowned.

"I don't know," you didn't want to anger her in case she striked you again. Your toes curled and fists clenched in anger, why did you get pulled into this? "Have you talked to him-ugh!" She had a mean slap, an eye watering one in fact.

"Sorry. Whenever I think of him I get...a little angry," she took a few breaths to calm down. You rubbed your cheek and refrained from talking, "oh come on it couldn't have hurt that much! Dylan's slaps were practically punches!" Her voice shrieked.

"What?" You frowned at the poor woman. Hoping her love for a man not worthy of her would keep him around, you knew how she felt. You just didn't know how she physically felt. "How long?"

Diana gulped and looked down in shame, "Since you broke up,"

"Di, why am I here?" You waited a moment before asking.

"He told me to"

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