U.A Entrance exams

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I stand in front of the HUGE U. A entrance gates.

'I never in my life thought I would actually be here to take the exam...' I think as I sigh.

'Let's just get this over with, and get top scores.' I think. I've never told anyone about my immorality quirk, as I would probably be both targeted by villains, and avoided and feared by everyone in school.

I currently go by Nakano Iki, as I don't want to reveal my true identity. My quirk also simply goes as "Assassin", where I pretend that everything I can do due to training is my quirk.

Before I was actually allowed to go here, I had to make a visit to both the government and the school, and SWEAR that I could 100% control my quirk and that I would NEVER use it to hurt or kill anyone.

'What a drag.' I sigh as I start walking towards the tall building.

'Look at all these people...' I start looking around.

'Let's see... He's gonna make it, she's not, he's DEFINITELY not going to make it, but she will.' I think as I look around.

A grumpy looking blonde boy walks past me. 'Why do I get the feeling of deja vu? This is wrong. I never get this feeling if it's a coincidence, so where have I seen him before...?' I think.

He turns to me and stares into my eyes. 'Oh my god! It's Kacchan!!' I think. 'I never forget a face once I see one! That's definitely him!! He's actually trying to become a hero!?'

'Over the years his quirk must've gotten 10 if not 20 times stronger at least. I can't wait to see that jerk in action.' I think to myself.

I continue to analyze everything around me, and take note that I'm likely the most powerful person around. Well, the people who are gonna get in through recommendations aren't here, so I can't be sure yet.

Suddenly I stop.

'That hair... those freckles... that dummy face... It can't be!! It's Izuku!!' I think. He's currently chatting wildly to a girl with brown hair. He looks extremely flustered.

I have a strong urge to just sprint over to him, hug him, and say that I'm all right, considering I've been "missing" for years.

I remember seeing my face on the news and following Izuku the next day. He looked kind of... broken. He went straight back to being the bullied kid, and I was itching to help but knew that it was for the best.

So I let it go, and haven't seen or talked to him for over 4 years. And here we are. He probably doesn't remember me.

Still... I put on a fake smile and continue on. But I can't help but wonder what he's doing here, considering he's quirkless... I'll have to watch his back when the exam starts.

Imma' skip this part cause we all know how it goes:

"You ready!? Set! Go!!!" Present Mic yelled as students started chaotically running around.

'Tch.' I click my tongue and run up front. I'm the first to strike down 10 robots almost immediately. I can already hear people whispering about me, but I don't care.

I continue on and slash another 15 robots or so.

'This is childsplay.' I think to myself.

"No way! That girl is unreal!" I hear someone yell, as I sprint faster than what should be possible, and destroy the robot in a matter of seconds.

'46, 47, 48, 49,' I count in my mind as I destroy more and more robots. I'm in first by a landslide at this point.

'I wonder how Izuku is doing...' I think. I hide my presence and go to search for him. He's standing around like an idiot, freaking out whenever something happens.

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