Chapter 2- Opening Up

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Chapter 2- Opening Up

Emily’s POV:

I’d never done this before. Sneaking out of school I mean. It was lunch but I always had the fear of being late.  At Penola, the teachers were pretty strict. I didn’t want them to give my aunt and uncle any trouble over me.

“There’s no reason to be scared Em” Penn said. “I thought a girl as beautiful would have more experience but I guess I underestimated you” he said with a wink. I blushed. I didn’t understand thought of how he could compliment me but still somehow make me feel inferior. I guess that’s why Jai didn’t seem to like him. He too, had a competitive personality. Thanks to Luke, he was always trying to be the best.

JAI! I suddenly remembered he’s walked out on us in the library. He was really enraged. What If he came back to find me missing? Would he care? My thoughts started to drift off. “Em, Em, Emily!” “Huh” I said. “You were in your own world for a sec” “I’m worried about Jai, he seemed pretty angry” “Babe there’s no reason to worry” he winked. “As long as your with me I’m fine and don’t worry he’ll come around.” I couldn’t believe it. Here I was with an extremely hot guy and he just called me babe! I’d never had a normal guy ever think I was beautiful or call me babe, except for Hayden in middle school and even he pretended, to make his ex jealous. Unreal! This was almost as good as the time I won a signed one direction CD in this radio contest. That is my precious baby btw! “Let’s go have some fun” he wrapped his arms around me and took me to the city mall.

We’d eaten and were hanging out in the back alley of the mall. We talked about our ourselves and I felt myself opening up to him. He told me about his family. His mom and dad were had gotten divorced and his mom had moved to Sydney. He didn’t really like his dad. His dad had his own stereotypical views of the world and he couldn’t stand them. He always pressured him into following his path and joining real estate. He was a popular realtor there. Penn told me that’s how they ended up divorcing. He had an affair with one of his clients. “Bloody hell, he better not invite me to his wedding” Penn had raged. He hated his stepmom. Part of the reason he was here. I decided I should open up too. I wasn’t ready to tell him about my families past, only Jai understood.

 I told him I felt insecure most of the time. I told him about the bitchy Bethany. i even told him how much i loved one direction and their girlfriends. Lou was with Eleanor, and liam was with Danielle.  Niall had recently started dating a model whose name was Riley. she seemed nice. Harry had fallen for a french irl during there recent trip to France. she seemed lovely too. They were bringing their GF's to austrailia when they came and i couldnt wait. i loved all of them. I didnt think they deserved hate. They were all lovely. Zayn was the only single on but that was because he was saving himself for me. I told him all of this. I didnt even feel nervous or embarresed.  he got slightly jealous over me wanting Zayn. but i didn't know why. i was too ugly for him, he would never even blink at me.

 I felt so free I could’ve stayed there forever. It was so comforting. I ran out of things to say so I just stared at him for a while. he was looking at me with smug adoration. “Em, none of the girls in Sydney, would ever compare to you” he said. “You’re special” and with that he bought his lips to mine and we kissed. It was a great fist kiss. It was my first kiss. I felt perfect. No one had ever made me feel this way. For once in my life, I really did feel special.

 *“Baby YOU Light up my world like nobody else”* (creds to one direction)

 My ringtone went off. Ugh my first kiss had to end like this. It seemed to have ruined Penn’s mood too. “You should turn your cell off next time Em.” He bantered, but there was a hint of irritation in his voice.  I picked up.


“Emily!  Where are you?” UH OH! Jai seemed really worried. I didn’t know what to say.

“Em, Damn! Answer me! I know your with him. Do you know what time it is! Mrs. David’s been interrogating me for so long! This isn’t like you!”

Penn came up behind me “why is your so called ‘best friend’ causing trouble again” he smirked. “He acts like he owns you Em I swear.”

“Em, I can hear him, that BASTARD! How could you?  They’ve called your house. You can’t hurt your aunt and uncle like this. I’ll deal with ‘pretty boy’ later but right now I can’t EVEN!” Boy was he enraged. “Even Luke’s worried sick! We need to talk ok! You need to explain to me! Just tell me where you are for gods sake Em.”

I checked the time! Uh Oh! There was an hour till school ended. We’d taken the bus to the mall and no we‘ve missed the current one. The next bus was in 18 minutes! If we hurried we would make it back right at the final bell. Oh I was in trouble.

“Ok Jai, I can’t make it quickly, but I’ll be back by final bell. Explain to her I didn’t feel well ok. I’ve got to go, I promise I’ll explain everything later”

“EM!” was the last thing I heard as I clicked the phone shut. Now I had to explain to Penn why we had to get back so fast. He wouldn’t be happy to hear Jai had told. Now I had to go face Jai, my aunt, the teachers and probably even Bethany. Oh the lectures I would face and now Penn was in a bad mood too. *Sigh* it had been quite a day.

What was going to happen now? I thought.

That question stayed in my mind the whole ride back. I knew it wouldn’t be good.

to be continued...

guys thank you for all your support :) im sorry i havent been able to update. really sorry. I've had some things going on but anyways i didnt forget. this fanfic means alot to me so i hope you enjoyed. :D

if you have any suggestions tweet me @5B_1Dream_1D or comment.

please tweet people about my fanfic and spread word about it. it would be most appreciated. btw share my fanfic on twitter and i'll dm your username to either JAI or LUKE :D

i love helping you guys and i promise to update quicker from now on :* thank you guys!

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