Finding Myself (a One direction/Janoskians fanfiction- Chapter one

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Chapter 1- New Kid

Emily's POV:

BEEP BEEP! My one direction alarm clock went off. It was 7:30am ALREADY! Ugh I hated waking up for school. I was so tired. Yes it was another failed day as myself Emily Finn. i wish i couldve just stayed in bed all day. The only thing that actually got me up in the morning was my best friend Jai. i knew the slu+ would kill me if i ditched.  We’d been friends since the first grade and now he was my only friend you could say. My other half at times. The one I could pour out my feelings to. The person I went to for guidance. The brother I never had, the one who filled my sorrows and replaced them with happiness. That boy is the main reason I’m here today! I guess the reason we’re really close is because he doesn’t have a dad and I don’t have any parents at all. His dad left and he doesn’t know why, and my parent’s death was mysterious too. We fill each other’s missing link. They died when I was very young perhaps 3 years old and no one has told me the reason for their death. We’re too people searching for answers. I live with my amazing aunt and uncle. Sometimes I wonder how lucky I am to have them and Jai by my side.

The doorbell rang “DING DONG”. Aunt Jane opens the door. “Well, look who it is” she said “Emily will just be a minute boys, come in.” I ran down to see Jai, Luke Beau, and Skip waiting for me. “Hurry up, we’ll be late cause of you Em. Bet you were blasting your one direction CD till late last night weren’t you.” Jai said. “Be quiet, it’s your fault for waiting” I said and winked. “How could I not”. We had this thing where we could talk for hours like this, it wasn’t flirting though everyone was convinced it was. It really annoyed Luke. “OK guys if you’ve had enough, could we go to school now?” he asked tired. “Who woke up on the wrong side of bed Lukey” Jai teased. This is what my mornings were. *sigh* Now before we could be late and  before Jai and Luke fought, we left my house.

“Hey look who’s that?” Skip pointed out. We noticed the house across the street with a truck in front of it. “Guess someone finally decided to move in” Beau whispered. “We should go say Hi” he winked. “Yeah and what if we’re late for school?” I sighed. “It’s what a good neighbor would do” Beau cheekily said. “Ok” I sighed “go say your hi Beau”.

We went to say hi and saw they had a teenage boy our age. I think I choked when I saw him. He was so hot. Oh my god. I stared at him in awe. He was tall; he had dirty blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. In other words GORGEOUS. I think I stared at him for too long because after everyone said hi I was the only one who looked awestruck. But he had a nice twinkle in his eyes and asked me my name. I felt like I was dreaming. He was so cute. We started talking to him and found out he just moved to Melbourne from Sydney. His name was Penn, A surfer boy you could say. He started talking to Beau about the YouTube channel he owns with the others. The Janoskians is what it’s called. Suddenly Jai tensed beside me. Beau and Skip began joking around with each other. Suddenly Jai tensed beside me. He protectively put his arm around me and said “let’s go, we’ll be late”. We were already going to be late but this wasn’t like Jai. He was always friendly, though shy, always wanted to help out. I think I even noticed Penn staring at us. We quickly left but promised him we would hang after school. I don’t know why, but I had a feeling Jai didn’t like that idea. All the boys seemed to like him except Jai. I couldn’t wait till after school, but Jai however was grumpy.

School was boring as usual, James spent time with his girlfriend, and Beau was with his girlfriend, Talia. Even Skip was busy, trying to get his crush Vanessa to notice him. Too bad he was too afraid to talk to her. He thought he wasn’t good enough for her, but I assured him he was. She was really pretty, nice and smart too. I hoped they would be together soon.  Jai and Luke and I were losers with no lives. Jai seemed grumpy every time someone bought up Penn though. I couldn’t help but wonder why Jai hated this mysterious guy next door?  Just before lunch, Penn showed up at school, and told us he had just registered at the office. And of course, girls were already talking about who he would fall for. Most people thought Bethany; the queen bee of our school would get him first. I hoped not. I hated her, but the feeling was mutual. You see, Bethany and her crew had bullied me a multiple amount of times throughout my life and I hated them with all my life. They still continued to make my life miserable to this day. when we were in elementary school they used to lie to boys that i had a crush on them when I didn’t. I’d be rejected, told I was ugly , then go home and cry on Jai's shoulder. It was so embarrassing. If Jai wasn’t there to protect me I don’t know how I would’ve survived.

Once she stole my clothes from the change room when we had soccer practice, and i had to walk home smelling disgusting. I guess now since, Bethany didn’t want to be hated by Australia's internet stars and a bunch of their fans, things were slightly less harsh. That was probably the only reason, they left me alone.  Penn came to sit with us socially awkward people and I could’ve sworn I got a bunch of dirty looks. Oh well. We were all talking about surfing. “Emily,Don’t u like to surf?” he asked. I was too embarrassed to tell him I was afraid of water. Only Jai knew, I had nightmares about drowning, and my parents leaving me there to die. It was a dark scary nightmare I hated talking about. He stared at me for a while until I finally just said “Not Really” I felt quite self-conscious but Jai had to make my day by adding “But Em’s amazing at soccer” he put his arm around me and I blushed. “ok guys, go eat at your own table GOD!” Luke added just craving to ruin the moment. Penn was looking at me in a weird way and asked “Are you guys dating?” “NO” I said a bit too loud. “Ha-ha we’re best friends, that’s all”. Jai took his arm away from me and slumped. What was he mad again? It’s true we’re not dating, why is he offended? I think I just saw Penn relax after I said that. What? Am I dreaming? No way he could ever like me? No guy ever like me? Even Jai didn’t not in that way, he’d had his girlfriends while I was forever alone. this day was becoming more and more confusing. Then as if my day couldn’t get any worse Bethany showed up. “Hey, you’re the new guy hanging with Penola’s internet stars” she said, whilst giving me a dirty look.she invited him to our table, and openly said “Some people t this table aren’t as amusing as you think” ugh, she was such a… Jai knew how I felt near her and quickly got up and told them we were going to the library. Thank God for Jai! He’s my savior. “I’ll come with you too” Penn called out and I swore half the cafeteria looked at us in jealousy. I knew Jai wasn’t going to like this. I held my breath. Jai obviously seemed genuinely unhappy. Penn kept on trying to keep up a conversation but Jai wasn’t in the mood and I tried to keep both of them happy by talking to Penn but not too much. When, he asked if Jai and I were related in any way and I replied no, he cheekily said “I knew it, you couldn’t have gotten your good looks from his side of the family” was he flirting with me OMG? Jai suddenly got up and left! Was he that short tempered? It was just a joke, if he didn’t understand. I realized he’d left me alone with Penn. What could I do? “I think he needs a break, why don’t you tell me more about your fine self”. He winked. I know I shouldn’t have, but I decided to stay there and talk to him for a while.

Jai’s POV:                                                                                                    

How dare he? I raged! All morning ever since he’s seen her he can’t take his eyes off her! How dare that new guy look at her like she’s a prize he can have? I know these types of guys; he’s playing Emily. My best friend. I’ve been with her through everything. She’s innocent as. I can’t see her hurting. How could she still be inside there talking to him. I mean, he just insulted me, while full on checking her out. She’s not a piece of material he can have after he lays his eyes on her. I’ve been raging all day but no one understands. James thinks I’m jealous, he thinks I want more then friendship. I’ve never liked her that way, she’s my sister, but he says if I can’t see another guy with her then I must be falling. No. who falls for their best friend?

Emily’s POV:

It had been a while and Jai still hadn’t come back. Penn was being a sweetie and I couldn’t believe he was flirting with me! “Come with me Emily” he said, and winked. “I have to show you something” “What is it?” I wondered. “You’ll see” he said and winked, taking my hand and making me trail along. I was there wondering just where we were going? 

Hey lovelies, I decided to leave the first chapter at a cliff hanger to keep you guys wanting more. ;) i hope you guys liked it. Its my first fanfiction i wrote. If there's any suggestions, or feedback please tweet me @5B_1Dream_1D

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