Part 2❤️

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You get waken up by your mum
Y/m: despierta cariño es tu primer día de escuela (wake up hunny it's your first of school)
You:ok mum
You get everything set up. You eat something, get changed then do your hair.
You changed into:

You do your hair like this:

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You do your hair like this:

You do your hair like this:

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Then you head to school.
You have history first.
Teacher:hello you must be y/n
Teacher:please go sit next to giovanny
You sat next to this hot guy
Your pov
Dayummmm he's hawtt but he ain't gon' like me cause he doesn't even know me
End of pov
Gios pov
Fuck she's hotttttt she gon' be mine soon. Just watch bro
End of pov
Gio:what's your name
You:y/n yours?
Gio:I'm giovanny but you can call me Gio
You:ok gio *laughs*
Gio:how old are you?
You:16 you?
Gio:let me get your number, your Instagram and your snapchat.
You:ok sure *laughs* my number is
*********** my instagram is @baby.y/n and my snapchat is the same as my instagram.
You smiled
Y'all were getting to know each other and y'all got really really close
Period 2 you had math with Ona.
Teacher:hello y/n you may sit next to ona
You:hey what's your name
Ona: hailey but people call me ona yours
Ona:that name is nice
You:thanks ona your name is nice aswell.
Ona:so would you like to hang out with us
Ona:so tell me about yourself
You:ok I don't have a dad because well he died.
Ona:awe I'm sorry babe
You:it's ok *smiles*I got suspended from my old school because I got into a fight.
Ona:cool, your just like me I have fights aswell. Give me your number Instagram and snapchat
You:ok my number is *********** my instagram is @baby.y/n and my snapchat is the same
Ona:thank you.
*bell rings*
You and ona got really really close like y'all are besties now
Ona:well see you at lunch. Remember your hanging out with me Brandon and gio.
Ona:yeah my boyfriend
Ona:yeah ok bye babe
You:bye ona
Period 3, Brandon was in your class.
Teacher:sit next to Brandon.
You:bro where your manners at
Teacher:excuse me
You:you heared me
Everyone laughs
Brandon:hey onas been telling me about you
You:oh yeah she's been talking bout you too *laughs*
You and Brandon were getting in trouble the whole lesson and y'all were getting to know each other.

Word count:451


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