Heyyy guys. Okkk soooooooo DONT be mad at me but I deleted "my step brother Carlos mena" because I got bored of it and I didn't like it that much but I am coming out with a new story called gio2Saucyy.
In this story you will be the only child.
PERIOD 1. You go to first period with the whole group and sit next to Ona You loved sitting next to ona because she was funny and you understood everything she was saying Ona:y/n You:yeah Ona:I love you You:guess what Ona:what You:I love you too Ona laughed. Y'all were talking and out of nowhere Gio hugged you from behind and Brandon hugged Ona from behind Teacher:stop talking. You:stop talking to me Teacher:I said stop talking You:I said stop talking *mocking her* Everyone laughed Teacher:Malu you can talk Malu:thank you miss Teacher:no problem. Now y/n Gio Brandon and ona stop talking Gio:Malu is talking so we can talk too. Teacher:attitude! Ona:now attitude? Your the one using her attitude Teacher:zip it You:no. Teacher:shut your mouth Brandon:why don't you miss Fernandez. Everyone:UGHHHHH Miss.F:all of y'all stay behind You:k You weren't actually gonna stay Gio went to sit on his seat with Brandon. Gio and Brandon kept making sex noises Gio:FUCK ME OH YEAH UGH FUCK ME HARD YEAH Brandon:SUCK THAT DICK BABYGIRL OH YEAH YOU LIKE THAT Gio:Oh yess fuck me harder baby fuckkkk Brandon:ughhh I'm gonna cum Gio:me too in 3 Brandon:ugh fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me Then Gio decided to Pen Tap while Brandon was making sex noises You and ona bursted out laughing. Gio:oh yeah me and Brandon will be going football training every day from Monday-Friday You:yay Then the principle came with 2 new students. Principle:goodmorning class this is Jesse underhill and Leah woods. Leah is kinda pretty but you would never replace ona because ona is your bestfriend You:whatever happens me and you have to stay together Ona:duhh You laughed Miss.F:can both of y'all sit on the front table Jesse:yep Leah:sure Y'all were just talking Gio:so you think they're kind You:they seem kind Gio laughed Gio:whatever happens I will never get with her. I'm not tryna sound racist but she's tooooo white for me You Brandon and ona bursted out laughing Brandon:ona already knows I will never get with her😂 Ona:of course I know😂 The bell rang for period 2 PERIOD 2. You were on the front table with Ona. Gio and Brandon were behind you and behind Gio and Brandon there was Jesse and Leah. Btw this is Jesse:
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This is Leah:
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You turned around and Leah was smiling at you and ona so you smiled back at her Gio texted you. Babyy💍💍❤️:I love you Princess💍💍💘:I love you too Babyy💍💍❤️:💍💍💍 You were playing kiss marry kill Ona:y/n kiss Marry kill Gio Brandon or that new guy. You:sooo I will marry Gio I will kiss Brandon on the cheek and kill that new guy because I dont even know him Then Gio whispered: Gio:marrying involves sex right You:yeah Y'all were playing 21 truths. Brandon:y/n do you truly love Gio? You:yeah but I only don't love him but I'm also in love with him Ona:aweeeeeeee Gio:I got scared You laughed You:ona do you like anyone besides brandon? Ona:are you dizzy Brandon is my one and only You laughed and Brandon kissed her Gio:Brandon do you truly love ona and do you wanna marry her Brandon:yea&yes Ona kisses his cheek Ona:ok giooo do you really want to marry y/n? Gio:O F C O U R S E you smiled. Leah came up to y'all Leah:hey You:hey Ona:hey Brandon:yo Gio:hey Leah:what's your guys' name? You:I'm y/n Ona:my name is hailey but everyone calls me Ona Brandon:my name is Brandon Gio:I'm giovanny but people call me Gio. Leah:oh how old are y'all You:I'm 16 I will be turning 17 in 3 months Ona:I'm 16 I will be turning 17 in 1 month Brandon:I'm 17 Gio:I'm 17 Leah:I'm 16 You:oh Y'all got to know each other then Jesse came Jesse:yoooooooo Brandon:what's good Gio:sup You:sup Ona:what's good Jesse:are y'all in a relationship or sum You:yeah Gio is my boyfriend Ona:Brandon is my boyfriend Jesse:Leah is my girlfriend All of y'all got to know each other Gio:Jesse do you wanna come football training with us after school? Brandon:You can take your girl with you and y/n and ona will be coming too. Jesse:yeah I signed in already Brandon laughed. BREAK. You walked out of class with Ona. You:ona Ona:yes You:I don't like her a lot Ona:Same. You:lets hang out with her because I don't wanna sound rude and if she has the same attitude like us. We can get close but remember you are my bestfriend and she will be my friend. Ona:I know 😂 Leah came. You:oh yeah ona tell her about malu Ona:she loves causing fights. The thing is, can you fight? Leah:yeah You:good because she can fight too but most of the time y/n fucks her up. Leah laughs. You:oh yeah malu shot me Leah:WHAT? You:yeah she shot me in the shoulder. Leah:WTFF You:yeah but I beat the shit out of her but she doesn't care she still likes to get fucked up
Leah and ona laughed You ona and Leah sat on the table. In that order. Gio Brandon and Jesse sat behind y'all. Then malu was coming You:ugh Gio:for fucks Ona:Sake Brandon:fucking Ona:hoe Jesse and Leah laughed but they were confused Malu:well well well well. Your Leah? Leah:yeah and who is you? Malu:I'm malu Leah whispered Leah:that's malu? You&ona:yep Leah:she even looks like a bitch😂 You and the whole group bursted out laughing. Malu:what did you say? Leah:that you look like a bitch is there a problem? Malu:um yes. Leah:oh just fuck off Malu:watch third period Leah:woooow I'm so scared The whole group laughed.