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Editor: Jinhyunee

System 1314 had been observing the "broken protagonist" for one week and the difference it caught on to was the varying personalities the protagonist had. Before being,well, broken the protagonist had a sunny disposition, but the current protagonist was the polar opposite, a cold shift from the norm.

He had a facade that seemed difficult to break through, his face always covered with an emotional mask that hid away his emotions. And what made the protagonist broken was the fact that he rejected the female lead as if she was a pest, not wanting to come into contact with her. He spurned every encounter he had with her.

The world the broken protagonist was in was an extremely low leveled world with an easy plot, where the female lead was an ordinary office worker with a gambling father who was in debt. Then in came the presence of our broken male lead, Jing Yu! According to the plot, like all protagonists, Jing Yu should have had to face hardships to earn his position. However, not only did he not face any difficulties, what was broken was the fact that none of the encounters had happened successfully!!

It seemed as though the male lead was avoiding the female lead, and was even disgusted by her behaviour. There wasn't the heart touching scene where the female lead was saved by the male lead. None of that, nada. The female lead was left humiliated without the protection of the male lead.

Without a thick thigh to hold onto, the female lead had no choice but to succumb to poverty and her gambling father debts. Currently, the world was in the process of breaking down and the female lead was out selling her body for money. The reason why it was breaking down was because it was a no name low level world, one that didn't even have a rank, thus it couldn't process the change of plot line and had no choice but to collapse. If the world had a rank it would be a different story, plots could be changed and characters could die. This was due to the presence of system administrators.

What made it worse was the fact that the current male lead, Jing Yu didn't even pull any strings yet and the female lead had already fallen to this degree. It seemed as though Jing Yu was an entirely different person.

System 1314 lazed around, hovering in the air as it continued scrutinizing its soon to be host.

"Boss, we have a dinner gala at 7." A man wearing a formal office suit bowed towards the broken protagonist.

The man of focus flipped a page of his book and gave a curt 'en' before dismissing the man.

As soon as the person left the room, the broken protagonist spoke up, "How long do you intend on following me?"

System 1314 looked around the room only to see it empty.

[Is he mad? Why is he talking to himself?]

"I'm mentally sound, now why have you been tracking me?" The man stared straight at the system and system 1314 almost felt its soul jump out. 'How the heck did he know it was there??!! It was a system that shouldn't exist in this weak world! Characters from this shabby plot shouldn't be able to see us system administrators! Not even those from S class worlds can see!'

"Not speaking?" The sophisticated man raised his eyebrow, his peach blossom eyes staring unnervingly straight at 1314.

[....Broken protagonist, I am system 1314, and I am here to bind with you! ]  1314 said rather condescendingly, after all it was the great 1314!! The most sought after!

"..." Jing Yu, the broken protagonist, stared at system 1314 as if it was an idiot. ಠ_ಠ

[ *ehem!  I am the great 1314!!! ]( ' ▽ ' )ノ

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