Chapter-6 SAFTG (Serent Academy For The Gifted)

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 Sorry I didn't update sooner enjoy!

Btw Justin's sister's name is Lilly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lily's Point Of View

   "Great job kids! I'll see you all next week, don't be late and practice!" Ms. Maddison, my ballet teacher exclaims.

     Since Justin left I'm left walking home by my self. I didn't realize how creepy this area was until I'm left alone with it. I can't shake this feeling that I'm being followed. Are those footsteps mine? As I approach the stop sign the footsteps get louder and they just stop. I don't see anyone when I look around, but it just doesn't feel right.

     Right when I step off the curb a hand clamps over my mouth and black figures appear in front of me. I do my best to free myself but they're so strong and there's so many of them. A cloth with a horrid smell is put over my face and my eyelids become heavy...


    The bright light burns my eyes and I'm disoriented for a moment. How did I end up in my room? The smell of food let's me know my mom is home.

    "Hey mom, do you know what time I got in?" I ask her when I get to the kitchen.

    "I'm not sure, you were asleep when I got here" She says facing the stove. "Oh by the way," she turns, "I have to go in to work for a few hours so you'll be on your own."

     "Okay cool," I say as I bit into a piece of bacon. Then suddenly the image changes, everything around me begins to turn wavy and spins. It gives me a headache, so I pass out.


    I wake up with a pounding headache. The room is spinning and the bright lights, make my headache even worse. I realize that I know nothing of how I got here or even what my name is. What am I doing here? I hear a creaking noise behind me, and I turn around. I see two people with guns and three people with lab coats. It is like their bodies are invisible because of the bright white room.

    "Hello, Lilly honey it's nice to see you again," The man stand in the front with glasses and brown hair. He looked like he was the leader or boss to the people around him.

      "Let's get her to her room." One of the men snaps his fingers and a wheelchair appears out of now where. They sit me down and wheel me out of the room.

    "Where am I?" is my first question.

    "In an underground facility in a private island unable to be seen by humans and other technology." Answers the leader. We arrive at a random door and stop. The leader pulls out a key. It is engraved with what seemed like a name that read Lilly. We walk into the room and it's plain, Just two couches, coffee table, and a plasma screen T.V. We each take a seat, I decide to stay on the wheelchair.

    The leader begins to speak,"First of all you name is Lilly Nightlock, and you are my daughter. You will take special classes to learn how to control you ability, and before you ask you control Light. We will provide you with 100,000 dollars to decorate your room and expand it." Wow one hundred thousand dollars!

    He hands me papers, one is a schedule, another is a map of the place, and the last one is a letter of more information. They all stand up and leave the room. My dad stays behind,"You will have to fight against your brother and destroy him I am Darkness and you are Light. Together we can rule the world!" He laughs maniacally and leaves the room.

    I am left alone. Wow, I have 100,000 dollars to spend. I stand up and start to plan out my new home.


Sorry I haven't uploaded in awhile I will usually update every week or so and I have a question, do you want to the book to be turned into two books or just one book or just make it a series? tell me privately or just comment on you're decision. Oh yeah and I forgot my sis Jackie wrote like the first two scenes but got writers block so I wrote the rest. Bye


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