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Levi didn't know what was happening to him. All he knew was that he couldn't let Mikasa die, especially because of him, as selfish as that sounds. He raced through the trees, occasionally looking down at the girl in his arms. And every time he did so, he saw an injury in a new place. Last time it was bleeding coming down her ear and this time it was a slash on the side of her neck. Cursing himself, Levi looked back at Eren. He wasn't sure if he was surprised or not when he saw the boy in his titan form, ripping the bales out of the creatures in the trees. 

"How could he care so little. That brat needs discipline." Levi thought to himself. Finally, he could see his squad close ahead and heard Eren's titan running after him. Nearing the end of the forest he spotted his horse and mounted it, changing Mikasa's position to cause her less pain.

"Levi," a familiar deep voice called out to him as he began ahead to the walls. Erwin and his squad emerged from the forest a few feet away from him. Spotting Mikasa, his eyebrows furrowed. "What happened. What's her condition." 

Annoyed, Levi clenched his teeth and advanced forward, not looking at Erwin. "That not important we just need to get her back. Now." He said, a stern expression molded onto his features. "Collect Eren, that brat is dead when we get back."


By the time Levi entered the walls and made it to base, his squad was already there. "Oi," Levi called after a soldier and pat the head of his horse. "Take care of him." He dismounted the horse and carefully took Mikasa in his arms, being careful to support her neck. As he ran for the base, he felt her fingers twitch against his lower chest. 

"Mikasa," Levi shook her body gently. Suddenly, it was her eyelids that fluttered. "Oi, Mikasa, wake up." He entered the base and made a quick right, making his way down the hallway to her room. Levi quickly opened the door to her room, which was surprisingly clean, and worked to lay her down on the smooth sheets. As he did, she coughed and blood sputtered out of her mouth and her eye lids fluttered open. "Oi, Mikasa wake up now, come on."

She blinked lazily, barely being able to see clearly. In an instant, her eyelids became heavy as she began to fall back into darkness. All she could see was a blurry figure looming over her, their eyes shaking and their mouth moving, saying something she could hear, something she couldn't understand. The ringing filled her ears again as she winced, letting her eyes close and falling back into an unconscious state. 

"Mikasa, don't. Listen to me, come on." Levi carelessly ripped his cravat from his neck and worked to wipe the blood from her mouth and forehead. It was then that she passed out once more. "Dammit," Levi cursed through clenched teeth. 

A knock came from the opposite side of the door. "Levi?" Hanji's voice. "Erwin told me to come find you, is everything-"

"Come in," he said quickly. "Huryy up, shitty glasses." She opened the door, bandages and rages filled her arms. She gasped at the sight of Mikasa. 


"So she got thrown back from Eren's transformation?" Erwin was sitting at his desk, scribbling notes onto a piece of paper. On the opposite side of his desk, Levi sat on a chair, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. 

He sighed, annoyance lacing his words. "Yes, and that brat needs punishment. Both of them do but he..." Again, Levi huffed in annoyance and averted his eyes to a window. He gripped the arm rest of the chair. "Dammit Erwin, what if she died." 

"But she didn't. Hanji just left her room half an hour ago, she's fine. Just give her time to wake-"

"I know that but if. What if she died," Levi retorted, suddenly overcome with guilt. 

Erwin shot back, "But she didn't," Levi opened his mouth to speak but the blonde cut him off. "She didn't and that's the end of it."

Levi frowned and got up to leave the room. As he turned the doorknob, he heard Erwin mutter a quiet "It wouldn't have been your fault." And with that, he left.


When Mikasa woke up, Sasha was there next to her bed. She looked around at her surroundings, then at her hands, trying to see if she had any recollection of what had happened. 

Sasha let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God you're awake, Mikasa. We were worried sick." Mikasa didn't answer as she remained still and staring at her overturned hands. "Anyway, I can leave now if that's better for you. I didn't mean to disrupt you or anything. I'm just glad you're okay you know? You're always out there risking your life like that. Maybe you should stop or else I'm going to have an early heart-attack one day and now I'm rambling but you're okay right?"

When Mikasa looked up, all she could see was Sasha. She didn't think anything of the situation until she saw her lips moving but no words coming out. A horrified expression bloomed over her features as she looked from her hands to Sasha. 

"Mikasa?" Sasha asked, confused by her friend's appearance. "What's wrong." 

Suddenly, Mikasa raised her hands in front of her face and clapped. There was no sound. Alarmed, she clapped again, making her hands even harder into one another. Sasha winced at the sound. "Mikasa what are you-" Mikasa brought her hand to her mouth in shock as she stared at Sasha, tears filling her eyes. "Oh no," Sasha muttered. "Oh no, Mikasa tell me you can hear me." She bent forward and shook her friend's shoulders. "Mikasa!" 

Mikasa's body shook violently as she stared at the brunette, shaking her head and putting her free hand to her ear. Unsure what to do Sasha stood and opened the door. "Squad leader! Squad leader Hanji!" She called but received no answer back, until she did. But not from Hanji. 

"What are you going on about?" Levi asked in a bored tone. 

"I-Its's Mikasa sir she-" 

"She's awake?" Levi asked, now more interested in what she had to say.

"Y-Yes but-" Levi didn't let her finish her sentence as he walked into the room only to find Mikasa crying quietly in her bed. She looked up to find an oddly worried face staring back at her. He'd never seen her cry before, never seen so much emotion in a person's eyes. Sasha stayed quietly behind him, shutting her eyes as she was unsure if she could see Mikasa in this state. Sasha's voice cracked, emotion tainting her words. 

"She can't hear, sir."

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