Chapter 3

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"Hey, there!" Candy greeted, randomly appearing in front of Pulse again.

"Aah!" She jumped. "Quit doing that!"

"Just thought I'd tell you about your Glitter Pact."

"Oh, this thing." She pulled it from a strap on her hip.

"Yes. See, once it's charged with your Glitter spirit, you can use it to perform your strongest attack: Sparkle Solo!"

"Woah, sounds pretty wicked."

"No, no! The sounds are made from good, pure energy! Not wicked!"

Pulse returned the Pact to her hip after rolling her eyes.

Spirit? How do I give it spirit? she questioned herself. Then it hit her.

"Of course!" She exclaimed. She thought of the thing that riled her up the most.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready to ROOOOOCK?!"

She was shouting to no one in particular, but succeeded in energizing herself. She knew this because she noticed the Pact was glowing and seemed to be drawing in energy.

"Woah!" Pulse exclaimed while shielding her eyes. "This thing's getting really bright!"

"Just keep on giving it more spirit and soon you'll be able to unleash Sparkle Solo!"

She riled herself up even more.

"I can't hear you! I said 'Are you ready to ROOOOCK?!"

The Pact glowed sparkled even brighter.

"Okay, use it now!" Candy directed.

"All right! Glitter Force...!"
A cherry red electric guitar made entirely of energy appeared in her hand and a pick in the other. She strummed a little riff, then lifted her right hand to the sky.


She brought down her hand for a final, forceful strum. The chord was so strong, it released super powerful energy beams that looked like sound waves. They tore right through the Buffoon and it gave a last moan in defeat.


"AAAGH! No! I lost again! This won't be last time we meet Glitter Force, mark my words!" Wulfric swore before disappearing into thin air.

"Hah, then it won't be the last time you lose!" Kelsey shouted after him.

Dylan, extremely drained after using the powerful move, plopped down on the ground to rest.

"Don't worry," Candy reassured her. "It's normal to feel tired after using your Sparkle attack. You can only use it once per battle because of all the energy it uses."

Dylan looked down at her untransformed self, sad that her energy guitar was gone. But that didn't last long after she felt something light fall on her head and land in her lap.

"What is this?" she asked her friends as they gathered around her.

"It's a Glitter Charm!" Candy responded. "Every time we defeat a monster we retrieve a Glitter Charm. Once we collect all the Glitter Charms, we will be able to save my home, Jubiland!"

"Wow. These must be really important, then." Dylan replied.

"Not only that," Emily interjected, "But they do really cool stuff, too! Try out your charm on your Glitter Pact and let's see what happens!"

Dylan obeyed and inserted the charm into the Pact. With a click, the Pact reacted:

"Activate: Glitter Charm: Guitar!"

An electric guitar with glittering stripes of red and cream suddenly appeared in Dylan's lap in a cloud of glitter and pink mist. Dylan gasped at the beauty of the instrument. The guitar was so beautiful, it actually made Dylan tear up.

"Th- this is WAY better than the one I was saving up for!

"Oh, Dylan!" Emily exclaimed, thinking it was enormously cute seeing Dylan so happy that she cried. The girls gave her a big hug while Dylan hugged her guitar.

"You guys are the best friends ever!" Dylan said. "Hey! Now I can show you guys my new song about us!"

"Wow! Another whole song!" Lily cried.

"You go, girl! Play it!" Kelsey said.

And so, the Glitter Force had finally completed their team. They were finally ready to save Earth and Jubiland and explore the world of fairly tales!

Or were they...?

Glitter Pulse-Conductor of Energy! (Glitter Force)Where stories live. Discover now