Chapitre 5

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The night felt like it lasted for years before any of them decided to go to bed. For the time, Mark calmed down a lot and at some point he couldn't even breathe of laughter. Him and Yuqi has spent a lot of time together since most of their classes are the same but he also clicked with Yukhei. The two boys were goofing around until Yuqi scolded them for being too loud but at the end she also laughed with them. The Canadian found it really amusing the way Lucas was changing between speaking several languages in just one sentence. He started with giggling and continued to loud laughter when the Chinese was explaining something funny that he did. The chemistry between the two didn't go unnoticed by the girl but she knew that Lucas was a coward.

It was past 2am when Lucas fell on the bed almost crashing over Yuqi. He sighed and tried to bury himself under the covers.

- My tummy hurts from laughing that much.

The girl just mumbled in answer. It became as quite as it was because the boy arrived. He sighed again and moved his hands under the covers to find when the girl was. It wasn't a hard task and soon she was trapped in a bear-like hug way too closer to the boy for her preference. Again a sigh.

- Are you waiting for me to ask you what's wrong or something?


- Yes.

- Fine. What's wrong?

Another sigh.

- I swear to God-

- I think I like Mark.

- What makes you doubt your feelings?

- He called me bro.. three times.. in less than 5 minutes..

A little giggles escaped the girl's mouth before Yukhei's sigh.

- Honestly, he doesn't look like the type who like boys. Maybe I should try asking him out?

The only way to push Lucas towards actually action was to make him jealous. To make him fear for not winning what he has working for. All this years it was working just fine without a fail. And right now, Yuqi was using this weapon again.

- I- Maybe you should. He's totally a no homo brodude.

- Oh, come on! Will you really give up on Mark? He's cute and tiny compared to you. And this is what your ideal type is, isn't it?

It became quite as if Lucas was thinking but instead of actually answer he just mumbled something. Then he pulled Yuqi even closer to him and placed a few kisses on her head.

- Imma get my man tomorrow. Good night now.

- Good night, dummy. Sweet dreams.


Unlike the calm night the three had, the morning was quite something. At first, the Chinese were woken by the noise and the smell of burned plastic that was spreading from the kitchen. On their turn, without much thinking, they grabbed the guns they were hiding under the mattress and went straight to the kitchen. Long story short, Mark was trying to make them breakfast but messed up more than it could be possible and was trying to clean the mess but instead get two guns pointed at him. At all this before 8am. It was Yuqi the first one to proceed the mess and with growl she placed the gun on the table, paying extra attention for it to still point at Mark, and went to grab the frying pan and whatever was inside it to throw it in the trash can. Her height and the fact that she was in a huge pajama weren't helping her scary look but Mark was either near cry, shitting himself or both anyway so it wasn't hard. His eyes were shining with tears and Lucas, who has placed the gun in this pajama pants, was trying his best not to run to him and hug him. Yuqi kicked the chair near her and sit down giving Lucas a sign to sit next to her while she used the gun to point where the Canadian had to sit. As he followed the order she disassembled the weapon taking out the bullet and turned it to the boy showing that it was no longer dangerous. Lucas also followed. Mark had his head down probably playing with his fingers under the table while he was waiting like a kid to be scolded.

- Mark.

The girl said and waited for him to lift his head before continue speaking.

- Will you please explain why the hell you are up at this god damn hour and what the hell you were doing in the kitchen?

Lucas was trying to not get involved but after the girl talking almost turned at screaming at the end he grabbed her hand under the table.

- I-i wanted to make you a breakfast but-

Yuqi made a sign with her finger for Mark to shut up.

- Honestly, if it wasn't for Lucas, I would have either shoot you or kicked you out.

Her voice was too low that it make the Canadian shiver and look down again.  The other however clenched harder on the girl's wrist giving her a look not as her friend but as her leader to calm herself. She even apologized after getting a permission from Lucas to leave the room. It was rarely for him to use his power as a leader when they weren't working but when he does he made sure to make everyone feel small and useless under his gaze. He turned to Mark this time.

- Go clean yourself and go to your classes . I'll take care of the mess here. And don't bother with waiting for Yuqi, I don't think she's in mood today.

Something with the lines "yes sir" escaped between the Canadian's lips after almost jumping off the chair and out of the room leaving Lucas to clean everything and think of how he will have to explain to Mark that they are part of a Chinese gang in Korea and that's why they had weapons around the apartment. It sounded perfect fine. Definitely.


Ey yo ey yo skurut~ New chapter because I have vacation till Tuesday oof. Hope you like it! It's a bit of a mess but I want to write this one longer so I'm not hurrying with pairing the ships hah. Also I asked my friend but also I want to ask here so what do you prefer: Yuqi x Jaemin or Yuqi x trans!Jungwoo? All the ❤️

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