Some people love it, other people hate it. I for one love 80s music. If you were to ask me, "So how did you get such a fondness for 80s music?" I wouldn't really know how to answer. I could name a couple of ways I did get introduced though. I think a major way it was introduced to me was through my mom. She was an 80s kid through and through. With my upbringing, she showed me a lot of the things she used to watch and listen to as a kid. From the Goonies to the Labyrinth, I enjoyed all the cheesy effects and gimmicks they used, but a big part of me enjoying them as a whole were the soundtracks to the movies. Just hearing the sounds of those catchy synth tracks filled me with a sense of pure enjoyment. I knew I wanted to delve more deeply into the world of the 80s music scene. This realization didn't come about until I was in the 8th grade. I remember that I had just gotten my Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, and I was filling that thing full of all of the music I could get because I was a normal (at that time) middle schooler. The first 80s song I downloaded was You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) by Dead or Alive. It is, in my opinion, one of the greatest 80s pop songs ever. Another thing that really dragged me into the 80s music scene were the aesthetics. I couldn't get enough of the outrageous hairstyles, the outlandish clothing, and the bright color palettes. It sucked me in like a powerful vacuum cleaner. I started expanding my 80s music parameters past the pop genre. I started exploring hair bands, metal, and electronic music along with pop music. Artists like Kim Wilde, the Bangles, Soft Cell, and a Flock of Seagulls gave me catchy-easy to remember songs that sounded great. I also found some great rock groups like the Smiths, Kix, Judas Priest, Journey, Toto, Genesis, and Little River Band. The whole climate of the music was just wonderful. It really did seem like the artists cared about what they made. Even groups like the New Order and Baby's Gang provided different tones that equally oozed character. I just love them all. To me, the 80s were a golden time for music. The songs still hold up to the light of day with them constantly being put into movies, adverts, and the like. I don't know if you'll agree with me, but damn do I love the 80s.