My friends definitely know about this one. I am a huge fan boy for this game series and Intelligent Systems as a whole. I got into Fire Emblem by complete accident. I got a GBA emulator on my tablet when I was in eighth grade, and as I was skimming through emulator files to play, one caught my interest. It was called Fire Emblem. The synopsis said that the game was a tactical turn based RPG based in a fantasy setting, and I was like why not? I played it, and by god was I in love. I loved all of the colorful characters, Lyn, Hector, and Eliwood are all spectacular lord characters with interesting stories, and every character you get there after has a story to tell as well. I could not get over how awesome this game was. I even got myself a favorite from the series with that game, Canas. The nerdy purple haired dark mage, who is just a bad ass. After I finished this game I knew I had to play more, so I installed Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. This one was a tad bit more challenging, but I loved the challenge. And from there I got every Fire Emblem after. I got Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon from GameStop, and I got the two already mention games off of eBay. Then when I got my 3DS, I purchased Fire Emblem: Awakening. I thought it was a beautiful game. It had wonderful art, awesome cut scenes, and a nice battle system with the support units. I grinded on this game for a long time until Fire Emblem: Fates came out, to which I spent even more time on. I was super excited when Fire Emblem: Echoes: Shadows of Valencia came out, and I was going to pre-order the special edition, but I was super bummed when I wasn't able to because I was on vacation when the pre-orders started. I made up for that by getting the Fire Emblem: Warriors special edition though. That game I got for my 3DS and my Switch. Right now I'm just awaiting the release of Fire Emblem: The Three Houses. I also forgot to mention that I have had the Fire Emblem mobile game since day one. I'm just a real Fire Emblem geek.