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June 18th, 1943

Gerald's Pov

I sat in a cage waiting for more food. I was a real hungry boi since I have Bulimia and stuff. This lil girl walked in and went to my cage and s t a r e d at me.

"Ew," said the lil girl "it's so ugly omg"
"t a k e" said the guy that worked at the pound.
" no y" said the lil girl.
"Cuz," the guy said.
"L o o k at it" the lil girl said. "Dat shii u g l y"
"u gotta," said the guy that worked at the pound
"K fine," said the lil girl

I feel attacked.

She can honestly suck my big toe
Who does she think she is?
Like honestly tho
"Stupid bitch" I barked

Lil Girls POV

"Bark" it said
"Shut up wit ur ugly ass" i said to the dog
"Bark bark" it said
" can I get it now" I said
" got u fam" said the guy who worked at the pound

*time skip*

The lil girl and Gerald just pulled up to the crib

Gerald's Pov

Where am I help

Who even is this bitch

How do I go back to the pound?

3rd person

*the lil girls name is Hannah*

Hannah grabs Gerald by his fur and yeets him in the house

"y e e t u s  t o  t h e  f e t u s"

Gerald cries

"Shut up" Hannah s c r e a m s

Hannah finds a rag and gives it to Gerald so he can sweat at night since it was the middle of summer

" s l e e p" she commands
"Bark" Gerald says
*Hannah throws a shoe at Gerald*
" DONT 👏🏼 TALK 👏🏼 BACK 👏🏼 TO 👏🏼 ME 👏🏼" she screams

Gerald whimpers wraps himself in the rag and cries himself to sleep

Gerald whimpers wraps himself in the rag and cries himself to sleep

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h e  i s  s a d

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