Election day!

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As Thanksgiving approached, a small town by the name of Liberty became alive with excitement. The townsfolk desperately needed the distraction after having to bury their mayor, who had passed away after choking on a fish bone. It had been a depressing time, especially for the poor, because he had always kept his office door open in order to give out free meals to the needy.

Now the town was very busy preparing for the election of a new mayor, as well as dealing with the loss of the previous one.

As soon as Mr. Miracle had been buried the two candidates, Mr. Slender and Mr. White, began running against each other for the position of mayor.

Mr. Slender had one vision--to make Liberty a great town where every nation and race could live and work together as a family. He was so consumed with fixing the problems of the town that he kept losing weight. His face always looked like he was lost. And along with that, for some unknown reason, a hump appeared on his back, giving him a crooked appearance. The townsfolk said that it was the effect of too many burdens on his shoulders.

Like Mr. Slender, Mr. White had a vision; his was to get rid of non-locals. He wanted to erect a huge gate at the entry to the town in order to make sure that immigrants could not enter Liberty. He was a short but well-built man, with the face of a charmer and a craving for pretty women. For this reason he married a tall beauty, Angelina, who was 20 years younger than him.

His motto was 'Money rules the world'. This man ran a huge factory which produced toilet paper and napkins, and he employed only locals. His office had a big poster that read, "We Hire Only Locals". In his campaign speeches, he kept promising to get rid of all immigrants from Liberty.

On Sunday evening, while Mr. White slept next to his wife, he had an odd dream that made him toss and sweat.

At first he saw himself in a huge stadium filled with people. They were all cheering as Mr. Slender stood in front of them, thanking them for choosing him as mayor. Mr. White's eyes bulged with surprise when he saw him.

Mr. Slender was not thin and bony anymore. His body was filled out and more muscular. For some reason, he was wearing boxing gloves, white shorts, and a white T-shirt that had many red stars on it.

He approached Mr. White and put a hand on his shoulder. He held a microphone with his other hand.

"People of Liberty, thank you very much for believing in me and choosing me as your mayor."

He removed his hand from White's shoulder and put it on his chest as he said, "I promise I will never fail you. Our town of Muslims and Christians will unite to fight crime and terrorism. We will open our borders to every nation and turn Liberty into a great place for everyone."

Mr. Slender gazed at Mr. White with a huge grin on his face. "As for Mr. White--after losing the election to me, he said that he would donate toilet paper to every household."

At Slender's words, Mr. White's jaw dropped. He was unable to speak for a moment. His face showed his shock.

This is some kind of a weird dream, thought White. First, he's promising to open the doors to everyone. Inviting criminals into our town. Now he wants me to dole out my own money to strangers.

Finally, he gained the strength to answer.

"I have never promised free toilet paper. If you want to shit, you have to pay for toilet paper. Twenty cents per roll. Nothing is free in this town!"

The audience got up and booed. They held their fists up and shouted, "Mr. Slender, punch him! Punch, Punch, Punch!"

Toilet paper was pelted at Mr. White. Mr. Slender, encouraged by the people, went up to him and punched him in the face. Mr. White fell back, and he spat blood.

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