My new life

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Izuku's P.O.V:

After walking through the portal with Tomura I noticed that there were a few other people around. 

"Well, who do we have here Tomura?" Said a man whose body seemed to be made up of a purple mist.

"I found him in an alleyway, said he had, had enough of being bullied so he walked off." Tomura quickly explained to the man. 

"Well is he here to join us?" He asks as he looks at me. 

"Y-yes, yes I am," I said as confidently as I could.

"Well, it's good to have another person on our side, I'm Kurogiri by the way, nice to meet you!" he said as he held out his hand to me. I shook his hand to return the kind gesture. 

"Welcome to the Family kid," He said as he smiled at me. " Would you like to meet the master now or tomorrow?" he asked.

"Um, tomorrow I think will be better" I nervously said. 

"Okay, then we can do that, follow me and I can show you where you will be staying. By the way, what is your name?"

"My name is Izuku Midoriya or Deku," I said as I followed him down a hall and into a room.

"You will be staying here for tonight, in the morning I will take you to see the master.  Good night Midoriya." And with that, he left the room. 

~time skip~

I slept well that night but I was worried about my mum. I was sitting on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands when Kurogiri came in.

"Are you ready to meet the boss Midoriya?" I nodded my head in reply as I followed Kurogiri out of the room and down the hall further.   After a few minutes, he opened a door and did a hand motion for me to go in.

"Sir," Was all he said before closing the door behind me as his footsteps faded away.  I then turned back to face what seemed to be a man, who was connected to a lot of wires.

"Come here Izuku, I would like to talk to you" I slowly walked up to him and came to stand next to him. 

"Can you come and stand in front of me please, Izuku" I did as asked and came to stand in front of him, after getting a better look at him I realized that I didn't have to worry that much, he seemed like a nice and caring person? 

"It's so nice to see you again Izuku. You were so small the last time I saw you and I'm truly sorry for leaving you" he lowered his head a little but continued to look at me even though he had no eyes.

"W-what do you mean by 'last time I saw you" I was beyond confused at this point I was pretty sure that I had never met this man in my life,  ever.

"You won't remember but, I'm your father Izuku" (I'm making all for one Deku's dad, for this book) shock quickly spread across my face as I stared at my 'dad'.

"W-what, how, w-why.  Where have you been all these years, I thought you abandoned me when you found out that I was quirkless and that you didn't want me anymore?!" I was angry at him for what he had done but I was still confused as hell and was still processing all this information.

"I didn't leave you because you were quirkless I left because I knew that at some point in the future, you would come to me and work by my side, as a villain. Again I am sorry for leaving you," he explained his expression showing that he meant it.  I sighed before looking back up at him.

"It's okay, I forgive you...Dad" I felt so right to call him that, my anger was gone and was replaced with happiness. I finally met my dad after all these years and now I can stay by his side. I smiled widely as I looked at him.

"Now, would you like to get your quirk, son?" upon hearing that, my grin turned into a smirk, I nodded my head up and down. He smiled before asking

"What type of quirk do you want? Would you like a specific quirk or I could share some of my quirks with you?" (THIS IS A THING IN MY BOOK!!) I thought about it before grinning thinking about what I wanted to do. 

"I think I'll go for the second option, please" I looked at him as he nodded and held out his to me.  I took hold of his hand and felt a surge of power surge through my body as he transferred some of his power into me. After he was finished I lifted my head to look at him, a smirk plastered on my face. 

"How do you feel?" He asked as a clenched my fist a few times. I could feel some other abilities, most likely some of the others he's gotten. 

"I feel great! Thanks, Dad!" I was happy that I finally had a  quirk and If I train hard enough with it I could beat Bakugo in a fight. 

"That's good to hear, Now you may leave and go to the main area. The other villains should be arriving shortly, I have informed Kurogiri that you will be training under him for the time being until he thinks you are ready for your first mission. I will see you shortly, son" I nodded before bowing and heading out the door while saying goodbye. 

I walked down the hall into the bar area and saw Tomura sitting on a bar stool as Kurogiri stood behind the bar cleaning a glass cup. 

"Hello guys," I said as I walked in, they both noticed me before Kurogiri put down his glass and reached for something under the counter.

"All for one asked to give this to you, it's your new costume along with your new attire. We'll get you some new clothes tomorrow. So right now go get changed before the rest of the league get here" I took the clothes and thanked him before heading back down the hall to get changed. 

(His costume, all credit goes to its rightful owner)

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(His costume, all credit goes to its rightful owner)

After putting the suit on I looked in the mirror and to be honest I looked WAY older than I was, But I liked it. Once I get strong enough I'll be able to beat Kacchan, But I'll have to wait till then. For now, I need to meet the rest of the league and officially start this new life of being a villain.


word count: 1192


A/N: Sorry that this is late I've been busy getting settled into the new year and my new classes. I may continue to do a late update so do be patient. But I hope you did enjoy this chapter.


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