Breaking Silence

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So now they were at a sort of stalemate. Edward refused to bring up the issue again for the sake of his ego, and Carlisle felt too responsible to mention it. Esme noticed the rift between them of course but it was apparent that she assumed their awkwardness was due to Edward's little rebellion, and his time spent drinking the blood of humans. Edward didn't dissuade her of the notion. He didn't want to hurt Esme, who had been nothing but sweet to him no matter how much he might resent her internally. His attendance at the local secondary school was being discussed yet again. Carlisle had approached him, saying that he planned to teach anatomy there in the fall, and that Edward had no reason not to attend, to interact with people.
He didn't like the idea. Not only would it be hard to ignore his thirst among humans, they weren't usually very good company. He preferred to spend his time alone, playing piano or reading.
When fall came around Edward reluctantly donned the uniform (white button down, navy slacks and tie). His first day was passable. Most of his classes weren't anything new so he did his best to remain innocuous among the students. Despite his efforts eyes followed him everywhere. It must have been his skin, or his disposition. Clearly they were aware that a monster walked among them. Twice he overheard female students chattering about the new anatomy professor and how attractive he was. Edward snorted, if only they knew. As a senior he took anatomy as well and when he checked his schedule he groaned. Sure enough Professor Cullen was listed.
Edward slid into his seat with a swagger that he didn't feel. The bronze haired boy watched with vindictive satisfaction as Carlisle's lips tightened in disapproval.
When roll was called and Edward's last name was revealed there was a collective gasp. He heard furtive whispering from behind him, but he kept his face blank. Inside he was angry. He didn't need another reminder that the world saw Carlisle as his father. Carlisle ignored the whispers and began the lesson. They were beginning a unit on skin cells and the epithelial system.
"Now, which of you can provide some functions of the epithelial system?"
Carlisle frowned as he took in the lack of volunteers, and the one hand which was raised elegantly into the air.
"Edward", he called reluctantly.
"Thank you, Professor", Edward said, his lips curving into a seductive smile that only Carlisle would register. "The epithelial system prevents any naughty particles from penetrating the skin and infecting the body". The class broke into furious giggles. The look on Carlisle's face was priceless, but Edward's satisfaction did not last long as those golden eyes narrowed in anger. "Thank you Edward you will see me after class"
While the rest of the students filed out Edward remained in his seat, lounging against the hard wooden chair. He had undid his top button and loosened his tie, and his hair was in a state of disarray. He couldn't help the nervous butterflies in his stomach as Carlisle remained silent, clearing the chalk board and arranging papers on his desk. When he finished he turned and beckoned, "Come here Edward".
...The boy approached his desk with a smirk on his face that would have made the devil himself blush. As it was Carlisle couldn't blush, and it took all his strength to maintain his facial expression as Edward met his eyes...
Carlisle's face was bereft of emotion, and as Edward stood before him like a small child waiting to be reprimanded, he felt the absurdity of his earlier actions rise up in his chest and he couldn't help but swallow in trepidation. Carlisle seemed to seize the advantage, beginning to speak. "I think you know why you're here...", he began, "your comment was extremely inappropriate". Edward plastered an innocent expression on his face, eyes wide he asked, " I'm so sorry sir but...what do you mean? I thought I got it right, Professor". Carlisle exhaled sharply, "you know what you did Edward, and you know why it's inappropriate. Not only is the classroom not a place for innuendo, your intentional jab at me was out of line". Edward scowled, "I don't believe you've given me a reason to care", he said arrogantly. Carlisle's eyes flashed, "you should care. Your actions have consequences-"
"Why don't you give me some consequences then", Edward snarled. "Punish me...father."
...Carlisle froze. The way Edward said it, it sounded so crass. A perverted emulation of his son. He wondered whether he was truly doing the right thing...
Only moments after the words left his mouth Edward felt a crushing grip around his throat and he was pulled forward so that he was leaning over the desk. Carlisle's eyes were inches from his own. Up close he could see the different shades of amber that formed the golden kaleidoscope of his irises. Edward bit his lip. The pressure around his throat felt good and the dominance in the grip sent a wave of heat through his body. He clasped his hands behind his back and exaggeratedly made eyes at the man holding him captive. Apparently realizing that his threat was having the opposite effect, Carlisle sighed and released the boy's throat.
"We're going home. I need some time alone to think."

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