1: meet

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Beep... beep... beep... beep

Ugh I said after I turned off my alarm. I had to wake up super early to get ready to meet my "new family". I grabbed a towel and went in the shower to wake up.

I looked in the mirror and saw a girl 5'5 with long brown curly hair and blue eyes. I stopped looking cause of course I thought I looked horrible.

I took my shower and got out. I wrapped the towel around my body and went in my room. I took my iron out then my makeup and went in the closet to choose and outfit.

I Decided I didn't need to choose anything special i was just meeting my dad's girlfriend and her kids I didn't need to look that good it wasn't like I was trying to impress anybody.


I was already dressed in a lifeguard hoodie with black leggings and my black converse. with my hair ironed and light makeup. I steeped on the last step of my stairs and saw my dad on the couch waiting for me.

"Hey sweet heart. thank u so much for doing this for me" he said

"Eh it's nothing" I replied. (I forgot to mention my dad and I always argue so this was something he would be really happy about)

We went in the car and drove. after about an hour later we were there. My dad went straight in and I just stayed in the car for 15 minutes clearly not ready for this. It had been 8 months since my mom and dad got divorced and he was already talking about marrying the one before even asking me.

That might explain the reason we fight a lot he just doesn't get it. I just pushed those thoughts aside and went inside the house.


When I went in it was only my dad and his girlfriend inside. Hey sweetheart this is lucy my new girlfriend lucy this is my daughter Leslie. She immediately have me a hug and surprisingly I didn't want to pull away.

After about 2 minutes my dad brought it up again and this time it was worse. So sweetheart lucy and I are getting married! What? I said clearly upset. We said we ar- . No I interrupted . I heard u I'm just gonna take a shower I told them. And with that I left. I went in the bathroom took a long shower and then got out with the towel wrapped around me. I walked out of the bathroom and ran into someone hard.

I screamed and after awhile I opened my eyes and I was on top of a very hot boy. I felt so lucky to have my towel still wrapped around my body. I got up and so did he and he gave me his hand to shake. Hi I'm harry your step brother...

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