4. On the way... added work

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Aizawa sensei had explained to (Y/N) and the other students in class 1A that we were going to go on a training camp trip, the people that passed will be training with the others, and the people who didn't pass would be taking boring classes. And here we are on the bus!

(Y/N) was PUMPED! "Are you excited, Bakago?" She asks the blonde hedgehog, "No." was all that he answers. "Not even a little bit? Like, none? You must be a little bit excited because this is gonna help you get stronger! Don't you wanna get stronger and beat everyone up?"


"Sounds like you wanna stay weak, like a chicken! Bok bok bok bok bok!"

"Shut the hell up, I'm no chicken! Now I'm fucking pumped to beat your ass"

"I did it! Yay!"

"You really shouldn't be happy about that..."

"But I am! So ha!"

"I still don't understand you, (Y/N)"

"I can read you like a book, Bakago."

"Stop calling me that.."





"Oh yeah! I forgot to send you those memes, I'm gonna now!"

As she said, (Y/N) goes on her phone and sends Bakugo these following memes

As she said, (Y/N) goes on her phone and sends Bakugo these following memes

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"I.. Have no idea how to feel about these..."



"Noob, N.O.O.B"

"Shut the fuck up."

"At least you know what noob means.."

"Of course I do."

"You are a strange one, sir"

"You are also a strange one, fucker."


"It's not a compliment"

"To me it is."

"A-..... No"

"We're stopping! Cool!"

(Y/N) looked out the window and smiled, "The forest looks so cool!" She says before realizing they stopped in the middle of nowhere. "Okay, now why are we stopped here.." She questions and looks at her sensei, "Everyone off the bus.." was all he said after about 2 seconds of eye contact with (Y/N). "Oooookaay...?" She says, standing up.

After they all got out, the wild, wild pussycats had explained some things and had dumped the students off of the ledge. "HOLY SHIT" (Y/N) screams before flapping her wings vigorously to not land so hard. They had to fight their way through.

(Y/N) knew that if she didn't make it, she didn't get food, she flew for her life. She was kicking and burning through those monster things in a desperate attempt to get food. She would basically do anything for food if she was hungry. (Mood)

(Y/N) made it after a little while, her wings were tired and she had overheated herself, she was hot as hell. But at least she gets food.

「A Very Bad Predicament」Aizawa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now