Gandalf Nms part 1

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Nightmare: *slams the door open*

Erur: *jumps 3 feet up through the ceiling* WTFFFUCK!?!?


Erur:*walks downstairs* What the heck ya want!?

Nightmare: *graps a hold of Erurs shirt* I AM A VERY FUCKING DRUNK GAY MOTHERFUCKER!!! *kisses Erur on da libbbbs*

Errur: *faints*

Nightmare: Well shit Imma be Gandalf then * of there*
Nm in Gandalf clothes: YOU SHALL NOT...PAAAASSSS!!!!! *does a back flip*

Killer: Well now I have seen everything.
Mysterious person: Imma be taking yer waifu!!

Nightmare: NOOO not my precious Errur *looks at Erur* well my now fainted waifu.

Mysterious person: Fuk uwu(you) *fart poff somewhere*

Nightmare: Where da funk dey go?! No worries my waifu Errur I'll save you!!! BECAUSE I SHALL PAAAASSSSS!!!!


[Did some fixing😉 12.11.2021]

this is just a small thing i i dont even know what this is but still. Gandalf Nm es gonna go and find his waifu Errur some other time
did this to give ya guys something to read while im thinking what would happen with the real story

Blind!Error X Nightmare (fixing grammar and story line)Where stories live. Discover now