I need some help

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Mango came home and allowed Bow to lay on the bed.She was knocked out cold.Mango just cried on her.He knew what he had to do.Ramae:I don't feel so good.Mango did an mythical pose and his third eye showed up.He took half his lifespan and gave it to Bow.Mango started to cough blood and fall to the ground.Bow woke up and saw him on the ground.Bow shook him 3 times and he woke up.He woke up slowly and without energy has if he woke up just now from a long week.Mango:B-B-Bow? Bow hugged him and kissed him for so long it was as if she hasn't seen him home for awhile.

The end of Bow.

Bow-Chapter 3Where stories live. Discover now