Chapter One ♥○

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There's a picture of Leo at the side; Feel free to drool over him ;)

Check out the trailer for Hollywood's golden geek which was done by cutie_cow! 

○ Leo's POV ○

She was sat alone at one of the back tables, golden hair tumbling down past her shoulders in soft waves, eyes fixed firmly on the glass window. I'd seen her before; of course I had. She was Avianna Fey, worldwide famous actress, her face constantly plastered across 'People' magazine.

 I surveyed her for a moment, watching the way her brows furrowed in concentration as she slowly sipped her scolding coffee. Her glossy lips parted from the rim of the cup, and a look of pure disgust flickered onto her face, as she spat the liquid back out. She snapped her baby blue eyes up to meet mine, and shot me a obnoxious glare. Charming.

 "I asked for a latte macchiato. This is freakin' coffee," she said in a deadly tone. I resisted the urge to laugh at the look of pure loathing on her face, as she stood up and poked me roughly on my chest; she only reached my shoulders, even with her 4 inch heels on. "Now you listen, I'm only going to say this once. Either I get my money back, or you go and get me what I asked for," she said slowly, her voice sickeningly sweet.

 I let out a frustrated sigh and took a small step forward, so that we were so close I could count every single tiny freckle on her nose. Her eyes widened in shock at our proximity. "Now Miss Fey, if there's a problem with the coffee which I specifically remember you ordering, I suggest you speak to the manager," I said, my voice low and husky.

 She gulped, but quickly composed herself. "Do you know who you're talking to?"

 I let out a thundering laugh. I tried to hold it back but I just couldn't help it; this girl was too fucking arrogant to be real. "Yes, I know exactly who you are," I began coldly. "You're Avianna Fey. Little miss megastar who goes walking round in her 5 inch heels, looking down at anyone who can't afford the latest pair of jimmy choo's. You think you're so great, when really you're just a spoilt little brat."

 She straightened up and moved in closer. Her hands softly stroked the sides of my face, making my whole body tense up. "Don't act like you know me, because you don't. You know absolutely fuck all about my life," she spat. "Now if you don't give me exactly what I ordered, I'm going to sue you the amount of every single pair of jimmy choo's I own. Do I make myself clear?" Avianna jerked her head back, raising an immaculate blonde eyebrow at me.

 Rolling my eyes, I took a small step back, shocked at how much power this girl had over me. For a second then, when her hands had been lightly caressing my face, I'd felt a sudden urge to kiss her. Which is completely ridiculous, seen as I hate the girl. Stupid teenage hormones. "What's going on here?" An unfamiliar voice snapped suddenly, pulling me out of my thoughts.

 "Paulo, thank God, you have no idea how pleased I am to see you," Avianna said, relief evident in her voice. She leapt out of her seat and into the arms of a tall, gangly man who was wearing a polished, electric blue suit, a briefcase in his right hand, his other arm wrapped around her waist. I snorted loudly at their exchange.

 "Who are you?" Paulo said rudely.

 "I could ask you the same question," I retorted.

 "Avi, sweetheart, who is this boy?" he said, his tone disapproving. I clenched my fist as Avianna started to whisper things in his ear, making him smile mischievously. What a flirt?

 "Some waiter," she said nonchalantly, as if I were no more important to her than a speck of dust. "Now you, get lost." It felt like her words were stabbing me right in the chest. I scowled and strolled away from the table, my hands shoved inside the tattered pockets of my apron. I'd never before had that burning passion of hatred that churned in my stomach everytime Avianna's name was mentioned. But for some reason, whenever my eyes met hers, I felt like she put a spell on me, making me desperately wanting to see her again.

 ○ Avianna's POV ○

"Now, my darling. You're still up for playing the lead in my new movie, I'm guessing," he began, and I nodded hastily. Excitement bubbled up inside me, and I felt my heart rate increase at the thought of being able to work with Hollywood's big shot producer. Paulo was said to be the best producer in the world; I'd be mad to pass up this opportunity!

 "There's only one slight problem," the permanent smile that was engraved onto my face had slightly altered as he said 'problem'. I gulped, my palms beginning to sweat nervously. "You've never been to high school." I felt my stomach drop in disappointment as Paulo said this. He was right; I'd been acting ever since I could walk. I'd never had time for something as tedious as school. "How can I expect you to act out something that you've never really experienced?"

 "Paulo, I'm an actress. It's part of my job; you think I've really experienced most of the things I act out?" I tried to sound convincing, but there was also a slight hint of desperation in my voice. I needed this part. It meant everything to me.

 "I don't doubt your acting skills, Avianna, but before I can really give you the part, I want you to go to high school and experience it as your character." I nodded my head, plastering a fake smile onto my face. Going to high school, a piece of cake. Right? Paulo smiled at me. "I've enrolled you in at Kensington High already. Your new name's Charlee, Charlee McKenna. You're a geek, a nerd, whatever you want to call it. Oh, and one more thing, no-one can know who you really are."

 "Fine, I agree to the offer, Paulo. Don't worry, I'll be able to pull it off. I'm Avianna Fey after all. Anyways, I have to get going. I've got a photo shoot with Brad Pitt. Toodles." I gave him a curt nod and flounced off. I looked a whole lot more confident than I felt; this whole high-school-nerd thing was going to be challenging, but I was pretty sure I could find a way. I'd had to cope with worse.

 As I walked off, I could feel a peircing gaze boring into my back. Spinning round, the waiter's gorgeous, hazelnut eyes connected with mine, shooting impulses through my body. I frowned, confused at the unfamiliar feeling which tore through my heart every time he looked at me. It was almost...pleasant. "Your latte macchiato, miss Fey," he said bluntly.

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