Chapter Three ♥○

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Picture of Alyson on the side!

I stared at Khloe's expressionless face, willing her to say something, anything; to break the awkward silence which was reigning over us .After yesterday, things hadn't really gone back to normal but right now I needed her opinion. She was sprawled across my bed in her tight black Dior dress which barely covered her thighs, mumbling unintelligible words under her breath. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I stalked across the room and shook her roughly by the shoulders. "EARTH TO KHLOE!" I yelped, right in her earhole.

 Her emerald eyes snapped open, as she glanced up at me disapprovingly, dragging her eyes down my body, and wincing slightly as she caught sight of the pair of black converse I was wearing, along with a red Hollister t-shirt and a pair of blue skinny jeans. The fact that none of my clothes were designer was obviously enough to send her into a mini heart-attack.

 "I mean Av, I love you and all, but did you even look at yourself in the mirror today? Are you ill?" she fretted, placing the palm of her hand onto my forehead, as if she were checking me for a fever. "You look...gross," she frowned, crinkling her nose up at me in disgust. I rolled my eyes; this whole geek thing was ugly work, but maybe if she hadn't been so pre-occupied with the paparazzi yesterday, then I could have gotten myself something nicer to wear. No Avianna, forget about yesterday, you forgave her, I mentally thought to myself.

 My usual wavy blonde hair was completely obscured by a silky brown wig, which was tied at the back of my head in a messy bun, strands falling out all over the place so that I looked like I'd just had an electric shock. The familiar baby blue eyes I once loved had disappeared, and a pair of dull chocolate coloured ones had taken their place. Not to mention the abnormally large pair of nerd glasses which were perched crookedly onto my small button-like nose.

 "Khloe, it's for a role, remember?" I said, making my voice incredibly slow, "I'm playing a geek."

 "Well, you could at least be a pretty geek," she reasoned. "You know, like Gabriella in High School Musical." I snorted, and she scowled at me in response. She slowly stumbled out of my bed, wobbling slightly as her high-heeled feet made contact with the fluffy white carpet which covered my bedroom floor. Straightening up, she shot me a fake smile. "I hope you realise I can't go anywhere with you anymore...not looking like that."

 "I won't look like this all the time stupid, only for school," I said, in a desperate attempt to reassure her. I didn't have the energy to fight with Khloe again though; I didn't need a repeat of yesterday. So instead of saying anything more, I turned around to face the mirror. I let out a loud sigh and stared at the stranger who was blinking innocently back at me; a stranger by the name of Charlee McKenna. I just hoped my disguise was enough; if anyone found out whom I really was, Paulo would never risk putting me in his movie. Maybe I could say I was Avianna Fey's cousin, if anyone was said we looked alike.

 "I don't care about your stupid little role," Khloe screeched, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You are going to ruin my image. Just change or I'm going to leave." I could feel my blood boiling; I clenched my teeth together, digging my nails into the palms of my hand. I bit my bottom lip, trying desperately to contain the scream that was about to lunge out of my mouth. I slowly counted down from one to ten in my head, attempting to calm myself down. "Well, are you going to change or what?" Khloe's whiney voice slapped me on my head, making me disturb my peace.

 "Just get out Khloe, right now. I don't give a fuck about your image," I screeched. Khloe sat up, looking stunned from the unexpected outburst of anger. It was rare that I lashed out like that; I was normally quite a calm person. But right now, that girl was seriously pissing me off. Who did she think she was, speaking to me like I was some kind of child.

She smoothed down the wrinkles in her dress and got up slowly, pursing her killer red lips at me. "I'm just trying to help you, you know. If you go out of your house looking like that, you will be a fashion felony," she spat back at me, her tone laced with venom. I shook my head in disbelief and watched Khloe strut away in her stilettos. She stopped at the door frame and swished her golden locks back, her eyes fixed onto mine. She lingered for a few seconds, as if she expected me to say something else, and then marched out of the room.

 "Thank God for that," I breathed.

 "Miss Fey," I spun my head round at the sound of my name, and found myself looking into the face of our house maid, Lucia. She was looking down at the carpet floor, her hands shoved inside the pockets of her apron. She seemed shy, timid and slightly afraid. She kept on glancing up at me, but then whenever my eyes would catch onto hers, she'd blush and look away.  Her quirks reminded me of how I imagined Charlee, my character. If I acted like her at school, then I'd be pretty much guaranteed the part.

 "Yes?" I said slowly, smirking at her.

She looked slightly uncomfortable, as she tilted her head up to speak. "Your car is waiting for your first day at school. Marie's driving you," she said in a feeble manner. I nodded curly, shooting her a small smile. Grabbing my bag up off of the floor, I straightened up my bag and stalked out of the bedroom, Lucia following slowly behind me, as if she were a lost puppy. Look down at the floor, murmur when speaking, and no eye contact. Maybe playing the geek wouldn't be so hard after all.

I scowled at the sight of Alyson's slim figure leaning back against the top of the staircase, eyes fixated on her blackberry. As usual she was opting to wear one of her short, tight dresses, which showed off every curve of her sleek body. However, it wasn't the outfit that caught my attention, it was the gold bracelet, engraved with sapphire studs, which was fitted snugly around her corpse like wrists.

"Gold digger," I hissed, as I made my way down the stairs. I could hear the tapping of her fingers on her blackberry stop suddenly, her eyes boring into my back. I didn’t bother looking to see her expression, but I knew it was priceless as I heard ‘brat’ come from her vile mouth. Sharing the love, I thought bitterly to myself.

There was no time for any breakfast, even though I could feel my mouth start to water from the sweet smell of chocolate chip pancakes which lingered in the air. "HURRY UP AVI!" I snapped out of my daze at the sound of Marie's voice, and twisted my head round to see her leaning back against the door, shaking a brown bag which had the word 'Lunch' scrawled across it in black biro.

A smile slipped onto my face; she'd actually bothered to make me lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2012 ⏰

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