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I couldn't fall asleep since I was tossing and turning, I checked my phone to see it was barely midnight. I put my phone away then looked around, the city outside was so beautiful at night time. The sky was full of bright stars, it was a full moon tonight which made it so much better.

I felt Smii7y move around making me look at him, seeing he was wide awake.

"You can't sleep either?" He whispered to me which I nodded to.

"Yeah.." He looked behind him to the direction where John was at then looked back to me.

"Wanna go outside? So we won't wake John up" I nodded then we slowly got up, I put my fluffy slippers on and we both left from the room, getting the key before we left.

"So now, why didn't you get any sleep?" He asked me as we began walking around.

"Just nervous, I mean our friends are going to be there. What if they think differently about me?" It was all true, I felt so scared on meeting my friends. Yeah it was a good thing to finally meet them but apart of me just gets so scared on meeting them.

"Listen, I've been in your shoes before. Back when I first did a face reveal, apart of me was so scared on showing my face but then I realized, 'So what if a few people hate how I look like?' From then on I ignore the negative comments"

"Because whatever the hell you do, from playing a game to how you look, people will always find a way to hate you and there's nothing to do. Our friends won't say shit about how you look, they became your friend because of how you act, not because of how you look. I found out how you look like and I don't even give a damn how you look because I love you for being a great person and having a great personality"

I found it funny how he gave me this whole lesson to ignore the negative comments but I was more worried about our friends on judging how I look like.

"Thank you, Smii7y. I probably won't ever do a face reveal to my fans but if I do, I'll do it as creative like yours" He smiled down at me and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Wanna go get something to eat? I have some money for some snacks" I agreed, we both went downstairs to get some food. Surprisingly it was still open and some people were down here.

"Woah some people actually eat at midnight?" I asked, confused.

"There's over 7 billion people in the world, everyone acts their own way" We went up to the lady up front after we got our snacks and drinks, we paid her then went to go sit down to eat.

"What is that?" I asked him as I pointed at his drink, he looked down at the drink then back at me.

"A drink" I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks Captain Obvious, I meant what type of drink is it" He giggled but finally decided to tell me.

"It's A&W Root Beer, I drink it from time to time" He took a sip from the drink then put it down.

"What if John finds out we aren't at the room?" We both laughed at the thought of that, John probably would've freaked out and called us until one of us picked up.

"Are you feeling tired yet?" He asked me, I didn't feel tired at all so I shook my head.

"Try eating, maybe that'll help" I ate my food until there was none of it, I was a bit surprised that I ate so much in just a few minutes but paid no attention to it, I just threw my plate and empty plastic cup.

"Let's walk around the hotel, hopefully you get tired by then" I nodded then we were off, we walked around the hotel, talking about PAX and what we were going to do there. At some point we stopped when we saw a door open and reveal:

"Fitz?" The tall man turned around and saw us, coming up to us. Just don't say anything, he'll just think you're some random girl Smii7y is taking to. That makes no sense, why would Smii7y or anyone do that?

"Hey Smii7y, funny seeing you here" He then noticed me, he was confused on who I was.

"Ah hello, Smii7y why don't you introduce me to your girlfriend?" Fitz smirked at Smii7y.

"Excuse me? I'm not his girlfriend, Fitz" He was taken surprise by my response but smiled again.

"I was suspecting you were Y/N, finally I get to see you, come here" He brought me in a hug, it was a bit awkward since he was taller than me.

"Uh how?" I asked him, he stopped hugging me and stepped back a bit.

"I mean I don't think Smii7y would be with a random girl, come on Y/N think" I laughed at how he clapped his hands with sass.

"Well I gotta go, are they still serving food?" Fitz asked which we said yes to, he then left downstairs for the food.

"Wow, he didn't care how I looked like" I was taken by surprise but apart of me suspected this would happen.

"I told you they wouldn't care how you look like, they love you because of how you act" I looked at Smii7y and smiled which he smiled back, he looked down at our hands and held my hand.

"Wanna walk a little more around?" He asked me, I looked in front then at him, I realized he had bags under his eyes and his eyes were a bit low.

"Smii7y, aren't you tired?" I asked him.

"Don't worry about me, so tell me, how was it living in your home town?" We suddenly started walking again, I hope he wasn't too tired because then I'll feel so guilty keeping him up.


"So then the cat licked his dick" I chuckled at what Smii7y said, it was almost 2 am and I was very tired so we were making our way to the room but we were on the 7th floor.

"Want me to carry you?" He asked me.

"Uh that would be lovely, I feel like I'm going to pass out if I keep walking" We both laughed a bit then he picked me up bridal style. I don't know what happened but I know I feel asleep in his arms.

>Smii7y's POV<

I heard light snores coming from Y/N making me smile, the elevator stopped and opened to reveal Fitz.

"Oh damn, what happened to Y/N?" He asked as he stepped in.

"She was tired so I picked her up since she felt like she was gonna pass out if she kept walking, gladly I did it on time" I explained to him which he understood, we reached the 10th floor so I got out.

"Smii7y" Fitz caught my attention, I turned around and waited to hear what he needed to say.

"Don't fight with John for her, trust me, I know how it is to fight with your friends for someone you love and that is not fun.. your friendship might end because of that" I slowly nodded, then the elevator doors closed.

I looked straight, making my way to our room. I could never fight with John, yeah we both like her but we both know it's her choice on what to do.



This was a bit cute, I can just imagine Smii7y carrying someone :P

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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