Chapter 1

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"Will you marry me, Dex?" Keefe asked.



He was standing there, waiting for his soon-to-be-wife to walk the aisle. Keefe was Fitz's wingman, they watched Sophie walk down the aisle, her gorgeous white dress following her. Her small baby bump was visible, as she was a couple months pregnant. Edaline and Grady were sitting in the crowd, tearing up. Tam, Dex, and Wylie were next to Keefe. Biana, Linh, Marella, and Sophie's human sister, Amy were her bridesmaids.

Wedding music was in the background, Sophie's eyes pricked with tears as she never thought she'd get married as a teenager, yet here she was getting married to her crush. Oh how time flies.

But this story isn't about Sophie and Fitz, you're here for some Kex you naughty girl/boy.

Keefe watched Sophie, it was hard to believe he ever had a silly crush on her. It wasn't that silly to him decades ago..


"Cmon, just one kiss, Foster." Keefe pursued his lips.

"Keefe, I told you my heart belongs to someone else." Sophie said.

"Oh yea, the boy with teal eyes? We know why your favorite color is teal, Foster." Keefe said.

He didn't get his kiss in the end, just lots of disappointment.

End of flashback

Keefe snapped back to reality as Sophie was already making her vows.

"I promise to never leave your side as you were always dear to me..Fitzory. Since you found me in the Forbidden Cities I've always been in love with you, so I am so grateful to take your hand in marriage." She wiped her eyes, ruining her eye makeup a bit. "Before I came to the lost cities I thought I'd never find love, but here I am standing in front of the most handsome and kindest elf." Keefe rolled his eyes at that part. "And I am about to marry him, and wow.." Sophie had full on tears rolling down her face.

"Is someone cutting onions?" Keefe asked.

A few elves laughed at that part.

"Well..Sophie..that was very beautiful but get ready for mine because I practiced all night." Fitz said, sounded extremely confident.

Sophie giggled a bit.

"Sophie, when I stare into those beautiful brown eyes of yours I think.." Fitz met her eyes. "'Damn, she's beautiful. I've always thought that but I was stupid enough to not realize how great of a person you are sooner." He thought of the time when they confessed.


"Please Sophie, just tell me!" Fitz begged.

"Well, looking at your family portrait it made me think how you think your family is so bad.." Sophie said. Tears pricked her eyes. She rubbed her eyes, smearing her gold eyeliner Biana gave her.

"As a kid I didn't look like my family at all, Fitz. I was a complete opposite. An outcast. Seeing how you fit into your family, well I wish I could've had that." Sophie said.

Fitz felt great sympathy and realized how ungrateful he's been.

He wrapped his arms around Sophie and Sophie put her hands on his chest as she felt his rapid heartbeat.
(I kinda forgot how this scene went and I'm to lazy to get my book and check;))

"Sophie..I.." Fitz started. Sophie looked up at his eyes, his eyes darting to different parts of the room not wanting to meet her eyes.

"Sophie, I've liked you, for a while now." Fitz said. His face turned red, but he met her eyes.

Damn. He thought.

"I like you too, Fitz." Sophie said. Fitz leaned in and Sophie leaned in as well.

A sharp pain split through her head, she backed away. Hurt and shock spread across Fitz's face.


"S-Sorry! Silveny is in labor." Sophie said.

End of Flashback

He chuckled at what ruined the moment.

"I can't believe that I'm actually gonna marry you, so thank you for saying yes." Fitz said.

End of the wedding

Keefe and Dex were laughing over the wine they were drinking.

Keefe sipped his, "So when I entered she asked, 'What the hell are you doing here Keefe!'" Dex spit out his wine and laughed, so hard.

"Then I said, 'Foster, what are these?' I took one, opened it and it flew out!" Keefe said. They both started laughing more and harder.

"Then she said, 'THESE ARE TAMPONS KEEFE GET OUT!'" Keefe howled with laughter. "Like who calls something, tampons? Especially if you stick it up your....then it should be called tampins, right?" Dex nodded in agreement, both still laughing.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sophie asked.

"Oh just the time I found out what a tampon is." Keefe said, he laughed while saying tampon. Dex laughing with him.

Sophie groaned but joined in.

"Are the comfortable?" Keefe asked

Sophie shook her head.

"Then why do you wear them?" Keefe asked.

"Cause if I don't there'll be blood all over my swimsuits and it's not like I can wear a pad." Sophie said, explaining the science of periods.

Dex and Keefe looked fascinated listening to her, but whenever she said 'tampon' they laughed.

Somebody ran into Dex which pushed him into Keefe. Keefe caught him and smirked down at him, "Falling for me already?"

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