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Life has been tough for Natalia Sinclair after leaving her father's home. Life was tough, yes. But anything was better than being back on her daddy's farm. Hopping from town to town, Natalia put food in her belly by pickpocketing and robbing. At least she robbed people that were easy and weak. Besides, she was still a frail teenager.  

It was easier to go on with her life when she dressed like a boy too, not many wanted to disturb her when she cross-dressed; when she wore her skirt and blouse, many gawked at her and tried to harass her. So wearing her pants and shirt layered with a thick vest that hid her chest, and tucked her hair into her hat, Natalia found it easier to maneuver.

A confident and booming voice caught Natalia's attention and as she turned and followed the voice, a well dressed man with a thick mustache walked beside a man who was shorter and slimmer than him.

A smirk etched Natalia's lips as she couldn't help but indulge in the idea that taking that man's gold pocket watch was going to feed her tonight. So, Natalia did not waste any more time; immediately but carefully, she followed the two older men in the bustling town and once she tried to reach into the man's pocket, a voice calling her out struck fear in the poor girl.

When she turned around, a boy, a little older than her, stomped her way; another dark haired boy was beside him.

"Oh no." When Natalia tried to run away, she underestimated how fast this boy was. He grabbed Natalia by the wrist and twisted her arm behind her back, making her wince.

"Lemme go, asshole." The mustached man couldn't help but snicker as he gave his friend a smirk.

"Why you lil' shit, you think you can steal from us?" The boy who held her arm said gruffly.

"That's a very sharp tongue you got there." The man with the thick mustache said. "Just like my boy Arthur, here."

"You let me go!" Natalia tried breaking from Arthur's grip but it was to no avail. The other young man, beside Arthur, took a closer look at Natalia which made her grow more nervous.

"You lil' rat." Arthur said gruffly.

"Hey, I think this lil' rat is-" The young man beside Arthur who inspected Natalia closely, removed her hat only to reveal her braided brown hair fall. "This lil' rat's a girl!"

As the young man laughed, Arthur was stunned. He immediately let go of her wrist and took a step back.

"Now that's something you don't see everyday, ain't it, Hosea?" The man had a certain twinkle in his eye that slightly scared Natalia. The girl didn't know what to do and the first thing that was her instinct was to try and run away.

Hosea scanned the girl from her head to her toe and saw her rough shape. She was only trying to survive, that's why she was pickpocketing. But that's how it starts; their way of life. A thought came to mind as he examined the girl.

"It sure is peculiar." Hosea said. "It's smart that you get around by cross dressing, lil' girl."

"Now, now." The dark haired man said. "There ain't no point in runnin'." This time, the dark haired man pulled Natalia by her sleeve as she tried to run for it.

"You ain't so good in runnin'." As the young man snickered, Arthur elbowed him in his side.

"Shut up, John."

"What's your name, miss?"

Natalia, as if a cat got her tongue, found it difficult to speak. Suddenly all the men's watchful eyes on her, made her nervous.

"It's polite to answer, lil' girl." The man let go of his tight grip on her sleeve, reassuring her that they weren't going to harm her.

"N-Natalia, Sinclair."

"Now that's a pretty name." The man said with a charismatic chuckle. "Miss Natalia, you have a good eye for thievin.' You picked the finest men in this town to cross."

Natalia looked between the older men in confusion, only to receive a chuckle coming out of the dark haired man.

"Here are my two boys; Arthur Morgan and John Marston. This fella to my right is Hosea Matthews." Dutch extended his hand for a handshake. "And I am Dutch Van Der Linde."

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