Exploring the Sea

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A boy sat at his window, looking at the outside world. The clouds were white as snow, and they moved slowly in the sky to the right. The sky had been a bright blue, it reminded the boy of the ocean. Although he's only seen it once, but he could never forget the image of it, he'd do whatever it took to see the wonderful waves hit against eachother. He'd do anything to smell the scent of the ocean. He'd do anything to finally see what a killer whale looked like.
The boy had white-blondish hair, it being a bit curly but it wasn't an afro or anything like that, his eyes were his own favorite clue: Dark blue. Dark blue reminded him of the nightsky, that blended so well with the stars.
He had lived with his mother once, but she had went missing for some reason, soon enough his father, who was a scientist, went crazy because of it and sometimes took it out on his two sons. The boy who i am talking about, who loved the ocean and the sky, was Hyeon. Hyeon had a younger brother named Hyung. Hyeon was a korean boy at the age of 14, who dyed his hair when he turned 13, Hyung was 13, but did the same a few days ago, though he dyed his hair to a light brown.

Hyeon's father hadn't been home at the time, Hyeon felt as if their father wasn't all that bad, but he had gained insecurities at the age 10, because of his own father. Hyeon became sensitive because of many things.

Hyeon had his eyes closed, as he was previously staring outside the window, staring at the clouds and the sky, along with everything in the sky that he could make out. He opened his eyes, seeing his reflection in the window and he put on a dissatisfied look and sighed.

Hyeon couldn't stand living with his father for one second, any longer. He wanted to cry, but he had no tears left.
He got up slowly, and walked downstairs, looking straight at the laptop that had been on the couch.
He smiled, and ran to it and took the wired earphones from his right hand, hooking them into the laptop. He pressed the powerbutton, the screen flicked on, and it required a password. Hyeon thought for a moment, and put in the date of when his father and mother had gotten married, when things had been much more easier. The laptop had made a ding sound, showing that the password is correct. Hyeon smiled to himself, and began searching through the laptop. Unamused, he sighed, and clicked on the webprovider and looked down on the keyboard, and began to type.
'Cruise ships to America.'
His expression changed, he had a genuine and wide smile, it seemed he had been more happier than he had ever been. He thought for a moment.
'I have no money.' The smile faded away, and his stomach curled up and he dreaded staying with his father. He groaned until he noticed a wallet on a glass table, his father had left his wallet. Hyeon couldn't believe he was about to do this. He was going to steal money, oh god. He reached for his father's wallet, and quickly snatched it, placing it into his pants pocket, he entered his and his brother, Hyung's room and let out a sigh, pushing open the closet, he saw a red and blue hooded cape they had wore for halloween once, Hyeon threw on the blue one, as his jacket was underneath, this was a way no one could find out who they were and who they came from.
Him pushing open the closet, and woken up his younger brother.
In a very tired and exhausted tone, Hyung began to ask a question. "Hyeon? What are you doing?"
"We're leaving this place." Hyeon walked over to the bed, and placed the red hooded cape on his younger  brother and smiled. "You look like red riding hood." Hyung grinned and got up, hugging Hyeon. "Can we leave now?" Hyung mumbled, burrying his head into Hyeon's shoulder. Hyeon thought he heard a sob from Hyung for a moment, but brushed it off. "Yeah, i just need to pack our stuff." Hyeon left the room as Hyung followed and they began filling two suitcases with their belongings, clothes, food and stuff they liked to do, such as boardgames and all.

Hyeon unlocked the door and let Hyung go out first, carrying his own suitcase. Hyeon followed Hyung out, carrying his own suitcase as well.
"I'm pretty sure this is illegal." Hyung said, jokingly.
Hyeon listened to those words and thought for a second. "It doesn't matter." Hyeon looked at Hyung as they got further from the house, "Even if it is illegal, no one can stop me from protecting you." Hyeon said, smiling to himself. Hyung stared at him foe a moment and eventually smiled.
After 30 minutes, they had reached the location of where the cruise ship had been and a tall, and slim Korean man with silk black hair and brown eyes stood guard at the cruise, he noticed Hyeon and Hyung approaching, walking on the brown, dock hard ground, Hyeon handed the man money, it was up to four thousand. After the man let them pass through and up aboard, Hyung stared at Hyeon, confused.
"Where did you get that money?"
"...Dad. Plus, a bit of allowance money from mom before she had gone missing." Hyeon said, as he held Hyung's hand, making sure to keep him close. In the middle of the cruise moving, Hyeon then noticed the water, the water that he loved so much, it was clear and a deep blue color, Hyeon always wondered what was at the bottom of it. He then let down his hood, smiling so genuinely at the sea.

A gasp was released from his voice, once he had saw a pack of dolphins jumping from the water, and back into it. They were having fun, they seemed so happy, it made Hyeon so happy, more than words were able to describe.

"You really love the ocean, don't you?"
Hyung asked, as Hyeon leaned over the edge, staring into the water, and smiling. "Yeah, i do."
"I think i'm going to go look around on the cruise ship. I'll see you around."
Hyeon kept on staring into the water, amusement in his eyes and it felt as if that, for once in his life, he had been happy. Then, he realized.
"Hyung!" He didnt want to separate with him, because he was scared. He was so scared that something bad would happen to Hyung. He begun freaking out and ran along in the cruise, searching for his brother. "Hyung! Hyung!" He screamed in a bit of fear, some people who had been boarding looked at him strangely, but he hadn't cared. Hyeon felt every bad and good memory. Blood was rushing to his head, he was scared, but everything stopped when he stopped running and noticed his brother, talking to a boy who had been at the age of 15. The boy looked much older than him, but it was obvious, that boy was making heart-eyes to Hyung.
Hyung then noticed Hyeon and smiled, "Oh, Hyeon! Meet my friend, Kousei. I just met him and he's really funny." Kousei had glasses and silverish eyes, with shoulder-length black hair, and green highlights on the edge of his hair. He wore a black trenchcoat and a gray shirt, that had one of the most dangerous snakes, a Black Mamba, the shirt had been tucket into his pants, with a black belt and black jeans, that were ripped. Kousei didn't seem to be Korean, rather, he seemed to be Caucasian, his skin was rather pale and had gray scales on his cheeks, somewhat representing an actual black mamba. Hyeon was imitated, he felt as if Kousei could get pissed at any time and bite Hyeon's head off, or something. He looked like one of those students who was in an emo phase, and loved snakes. But it was the actual complete opposite.
"Nice to meet you, Hyeon." He shook Hyeon's head, and smiled. He then looked back to Hyung and started another conversation. Hyeon's head hurted, if felt like it was pounding.
"So, tell me, Kousei, why are you going to America?"
Kousei smiled, "I'm on my way to a city that's supposedly haunted, since you told me you're just getting away from your father, maybe you two can come with me."
Hyung's eyes lit up, "Of course! Can we, Hyeon?"
Hyeon just responded with, "Fine."
Kousei smiled, "Cool. I think we aren't going to get there until a week."
Hyeon raised his eyebrow, "A week? Seriously?"
Kousei did the same, he raised his eyebrow as well. "Yeah, don't you know how far the U.S is? It would of been smarter to take a plane, you know."
Hyeon glared at him but Kousei ignored his glare.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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