~Chapter 10!~

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(Slight Suicidal Triggers, towards the end along with explanations)


Explosions began coming out of no where in multiple different directions, many screams and cries could be heard.

The war had been going on for so long it was beginning to get dark out.

Thankfully, it didn't last much longer.

Laxus showed up within an hour after Natsu, and Guildarts within a half an hour after him.

Thankfully with the new help, the war was over and all the mages were being treated for their wounds.

Lucy was awake but still being forced to rest with Davis by her side. Sei's wing couldn't be healed, so she confided in her brother Ichigo and they spent the night crying together. The doctors checked Levy's baby and told her that thankfully it was still alive and alright. Her and Gajeel started crying, even though he didn't wish to admit it.

Everything was slowly coming back, and everyone was alright.

Well... Almost everyone.

"Natsu, you should come inside and take a break."


"Natsu, come on inside."

"I said, no!"

There was a silence between the two, a devastating silence, until she spoke up.

"I understand how you feel-"

"No you fucking don't!" Natsu whipped his head around and marched over towards her, "You don't know how I fucking feel! You don't know how badly I wanna just rip my own damn heart out of my chest right now! Don't fucking sit here and tell me 'you know how I feel' when you don't even fucking know what to say to me!"

She was speechless, because everything he said was true. But Natsu was still upset with her words, and decided to grab the collar of her shirt.

"You don't know how bad I'm hurting right now, how bad I wish I could've saved her! But instead I found you first!" After those words left his mouth Natsu gasped and let go of Erza's shirt while backing away. "I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that..."

"It's alright, I know what you meant." Erza was a bit upset with what he had said, but did understand. She would've been fine if he would've left her to go help someone else, but even if he tried the enemy wouldn't allow it. She tried shooing him away, but when he had finally tried the opponent had set up a barrier.

"I'm sorry, I should've been there for you..." The fire dragon slayer had made his way back over to the body and crouched down, silently crying to it.

"Natsu..." Erza knew, she knew everything he wanted to do. He wanted her to wake up, to give him the biggest hug she ever has, to kiss him harder than she's ever kissed him before. Natsu wanted to marry her, he wanted to hear her say 'I do' so bad he had told Erza he dreamed of it almost every night, and he also wanted to have a big family with little kids running around to annoy them constantly.

But he couldn't ever have that now, because--

"(Y/n)'s dead." This only caused the pink haired boy to cry harder, not wishing to hear the truth. "I'll go tell Master to call off the search."

Natsu had actually been the first to find his girlfriend, then Erza found him slowly making his way back to the guild, refusing to believe it.

She, of course, didn't wish to be the bearer of bad news, but she couldn't barely cope with this herself.

She was like a sister to me. With tears coming from her eyes, she made her way to the Master and told him about what had happened.

They held a funeral the very next day.

A funeral for both (Y/n) and Natsu.


A/n: Hello everyone! This is the end of the story.

I'm sorry if it seemed kinda rushed but I'm going to be honest here--

After starting the sequel, I realized that I'm not motivated enough to actually do them...

But I decided to do one for Natsu because that was my first story and it got big hits so I wanted to please my fans with a sequel.

Explaining it:

And I'm also sorry if you didn't like the ending, but I didn't want to make it like all the other stories out there where the couple lives 'happily ever after with a big, wonderful family'. As you can probably tell, Natsu wanted that so badly, he killed himself because he couldn't see himself living without his one true love - (Y/n).

Now I'm not saying that I support this because I don't, I'm just saying Natsu (in this story) doesn't wish to live without his love. And he blamed himself for her death, he couldn't live with the guilt even though it wasn't his fault.

And as for the 'unnamed guild' that attacked Fairy Tail, they achieved their goal.

Here was their plan- Harm Natsu Dragneel. But they knew that they couldn't handle him on their own, so they did research and found out about him. They found out he had an exceed, loved his guild members like family, and had a wonderful girlfriend- (Y/n). Of course, they didn't know much about (Y/n). But when they were united with Erza and Gray, of course the name had been said a few times so they figured out who they needed to take care of.

Thus, their goal was accomplished in harming Natsu, by killing you they knew that it would weaken the dragon slayer himself. They didn't expect him to do what he did to himself, but they aren't complaining.

But I'd like to thank all of you who stayed with me through this hellish adventure and I hope I make more stories you all enjoy in the future. Thank you for these wonderful years so far!


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