ch. 1 - number one fan (yugyeom)

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A/N: For my first story, this is super long.

Also, I should note that I have no idea how the k-pop industry actually functions so if this is unrealistic, I'm sorry.

Let me know if you think Yugyeom is out of character.

You sigh as you scroll through your Twitter feed. Headline after headline, tweet after tweet, all of them have your name in it. (Y/N) (L/N) to Pursue Solo Career. Unhappy with SM Entertainment, (Y/N) Signs with JYP Entertainment. Member of 2018's Best Female Group Leaves Unexpectedly. Although you know that the drama will eventually die down, at the moment, everyone is talking about you.

It had been a tough decision but you knew that it was the right one. You had always wanted to start a solo career; it was just that you had thought you could stay with your group. When you brought the idea up to your company, they scoffed in your face.There's a reason why you're only a lead vocalist. Their words cut deep, almost knocking out your dreams in one blow. Almost. You remembered that luckily, your contract would expire by the end of the year. Of course, you had planned to resign with the label but after that day, you knew that they'd never fully appreciate your talent. At the end of the year, you packed your bags, said goodbye to your members, and walked out the door. SM kept it quiet for as long as they could but information spread. JYP Entertainment offered you a generous contract and soon enough, you were officially JYP's latest solo artist.

Once the company confirmed the rumors, the realization hit you that the entire k-pop industry was watching your every move. Now as you prepare to debut in a couple of months, the dread is starting to set in. Everyone, from friends to family to strangers, is eager to find out if you can live up to the expectations. And, as loath as you are to admit it, the pressure is getting to you. On one hand, it's not bad because it motivates you to do better. On the other hand, it feels like your brain might explode. You still have to record two songs, learn the dance for one, perfect the choreography for the rest, prepare yourself for the upcoming interviews, talk with producers about your next alb- Breathe, you scold yourself. Only focus on the things you can control.

You take in a deep breath before walking into the dance studio. Even if you can't fix everything else, you can at least work on your dancing. Setting down your speaker, you get into position and start to practice.

Half an hour later, you're in the middle of performing your title track when you hear the click of the door opening. You look to see who it is, expecting your manager or a choreographer, but you stop dead in your tracks when you see him.

Yugyeom from GOT7. You've only seen him in person once before at an awards show but it has to be him. Who else at JYP is that tall? Not to mention that you'd had a small crush on him when they debuted. But that's not important.

"Aish- sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Usually the room is empty by now. I thought I heard music but I told myself that no one would be in here and, you know what, I'll just go- I'm really sorry," he stammers.

You offer a small smile, "Don't worry about it. Really, it's fine. There isn't anything scheduled; I just wanted to squeeze in some more practice. Do you need the room? I could go back to my dorm-"

"No, no, same here. My name's Yugyeom. My group's comeback is soon so I'm feeling sorta nervous."

"I'm (Y/N). And I know exactly what you mean." You pause for a moment then ask, "Since we both want to practice, we could just both stay in here? I mean, there's more than enough space and if we keep our music quiet enough, it shouldn't interfere. Only if you're okay with it, of course."

Yugyeom grins and nods. "That would be great!"

As he sets up his stuff, you move to the far end of the room. You begin to concentrate on the music and before long, you're absorbed into the dance. Well, almost. Every once in a while, you glance over at Yugyeom. You can't help but admire his fluidity and the way his every move is on beat. You feel self-conscious because although you're not awful, you know you're definitely not main dancer material. When you catch yourself missing cues, you mentally facepalm. His presence has you flustered and you don't want to admit why. Shaking your head slightly, you refocus and try your best not to mess up.

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