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Bridegroom's changing room
Kai was standing up a stool in front of a long mirror, while Miwa, Ren and Tetsu were fixing his smoking up; instead Andrè was brushing Kai's spiky hair. Aichi, Yurias and Kamui went to buy some rice to throw to the couple and a little flower to put into Kai's pocket.
Miwa: Hey buddy but are you sweating?
He said looking a moment at Kai's face.
Ren: Are you agitated eh? 😁
Kai: YOU WOULDN'T BE SO AT MY PLACE?! I'm nervous and strained like a violin string and my hands are completely wet, damn damn damn, I'm dying
Seeing Kai so worried was an unique event. The others couldn't believe he was like terrorized.
Tetsu: Calm down, if you get nervous, it's worse
Andrè: Tetsu is right, stay calm and all will be fine don't worry
He said hugging Kai. With everyone's surprise Kai hugged him back. Andrè has always loved Kai as a son and even if Kai's never demonstrated it so much, he was really affectionate to him.
Andrè: Uh, I think it's better to wipe the sweat before it ruins the new smoking, you're pretty wet ^^;
Miwa and Ren laughed loudly.
Andrè: Don't yell into my ears Toshiki!
Kai: Sorry
Tetsu closed his eyes: You're so noisy -we'll be late if they continue to yell at each other-
Bride's changing room
Sha was sat on an armchair in front of a dressing table, surrounded by her twin, her sisters Juri and Sally, her mom, Emiko, Misaki and her lovely Juvia.
Juri and Oscar were fixing her white, long and sparkling wedding dress up; Misaki and Emiko were making her an awesome hairstyle, while Juvia had to complete it with a golden tiara and the voile... Luci was the "make-up artist".
Luci: Come on, let me put you the lipstick!
Sha: No way
Luci: Uff
Juvia: You so pretty mama 😄
Sha: Aww, thanks sweetie
Suddenly the door opened and a light blue-haired with a weird red tatoo above and under his right eye boy came in running and holding a rose. He was 4 years old; physically he looked like a lot Sha and Luci, even if considering his expressions someone could say they remainded Sha's. Luci loved him very much, while Sha's never keen for him.
Jellal: Cousin! Cousin!
Luci was giggling amused.
Jellal: You're very cute. Look at what I found for you
He placed the rose on the dressing table.
Sha: T-T-Thank... You
Oscar: What a wonderful rose
Misaki: We can put it in the bouquet
Emiko: Yeah
Sha: No, please
Luci: Yes, it will be perfect with the blue roses
Sha: Noo
Misaki: Juvia put it there please
Juvia took the rose and went to position it in the middle of the bouquet.
Sha: -Grrr-
Jellal: Cousin, do you know that I'm the one who will carry the rings with Juvia
Sha: Yeah I know that -_-
Oscar looked at the clock: Uh I have to go now, Toshiki must go to the church and I have to take him to the altar 😱
Luci: Ok and tell daddy to come here, he has to take Sha there
Oscar: Sure, sweetie
She went out and reached Kai and the others out of the castle.
Oscar: Go to Sha, she is waiting you in the changing room my love
Andrè: I go immediately my lady, see ya later
Oscar: Of course 💋
Andrè went to his daughter, while Oscar went with Kai, Yurias and the other boys to the church by car.

11:10 am - Ruby Cathedral
Except for Oscar and Kai, Yurias, Tetsu and the others came in from the second entrance and took place in the first and second lines, in the right side, while Miwa sat down the witness chair (he was Kai's wedding witness).
The main portal opened. Kai and Oscar, arm in ar,  were walking towards the altar.
Oscar whispering: Your mom would have been proud of you
Kai couldn't help to smile and shut his eyes, hoping to hold back tears.
Oscar left him and went to sit down in the first line of the left side. Meanwhile Kai was standing in front of the priest.
11:30 am
Luci and the other girls came in from the second entrance and Luci went to take seat on the witness chair (she was Sha's wedding witness). The organ started to play the "Wedding March", while the main portal opened again. This time appeared the bride, holding her dad's arm and holding tight Tina with her left arm. Andrè left her into Kai's sweat hands and, with Tina, he went to sit down near his wife Oscar. Some little girls threw petals on the red carpet and around the couple.
Sha faced Kai, blushing a bit.
Sha: You're very handsome today
Kai squeezed more her hands.
Kai: And you're fabulous my princess
She blushed more and whispered him something.
Sha: I'm going to faint
Kai: Same
They turned to the priest.
The priest started to pronounce the regular mass, adding the usual "wedding stuff and phrases" in the middle.
Sha: Toshi, I've known you since we were born. We grew up together and in the short period you went to live with your uncle far away I felt so void inside... When you came back I was the happiest woman of the world, even if I've never showed you that and I was always cold. You taught me to look forward and never give up, you helped me to not be afraid of my own past and you gave me the strength to surpass my dark years after Rei's death. You're the love of my life and my Vanguard... Without you, Juvia and my life wouldn't be so cool and full of happiness
Sha said it smiling and almost crying.
Kai: Sha, I've always known we were destined together. Since my parents died I changed and became the opposite I was, hurting many people, but firstly you... You can continue to tell me I didn't and the one who hurt me was you, but you're wrong. I've been a monster, especially for what I did you three years ago at the tropical island; you saved me from the darkness, every time the only thing that could have helped me to smile, even if for 1 second, was you and the love I feel for you. You're the girl who taught me to be happy again. I'm so glad to spend time with you and our Juvia, you two are my eternal lovers and the reason of my life
Everyone was really surprised hearing Kai's words and Juvia smiled widely looking at her parents from her seat. Sha was amazed, especially because Kai mentioned Juvia so spontaneously.
Priest: Toshiki Kai, will you take princess Sharon Grandier as your wife? For loving her, honoring her, in sickness and health, in wealth and poverty, 'till the end?
Kai: ... I do
Priest: Princess Sharon Grandier, will you take Toshiki Kai as your husband? For loving him, honoring him, in sickness and health, in wealth and poverty, 'till the end?
Sha: ... Yes, I do
Priest: The rings please
Jellal and Juvia stood up and carried together the rings on a small cushion, giving them to the priest.
Kai took Sha's ring and, after he said his phrase, he slid it to her finger... Sha did the same.
Priest: By the powers vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife! You can kiss the bride now
Kai grabbed Sha's waist pushing her closer and leant down to kiss her. She became total red, embarrassed, and Kai blushed a bit, while everyone stood up and were clapping. Oscar, Juri, Luci, Sally, Misaki (Misaki 0-0), Yurias, Emiko and Andrè were crying excited.
Andrè: -I wish your dad could share these fantastic moments with us, Toshiki...-
All Sha's football teammates were really happy for her, the coach as well. Crystal City inhabitants were celebrating the event too. The bells ringing energetically.

They went to eat to restaurant. In the afternoon and in the evening everyone spent time to play and dance.
Sha and Kai were in the middle of the dancefloor, dancing together; Sha's head was relaxed on Kai's chest.
Kai: Are you having fun sweetie?
Sha: Yes my love, but I'd like to dance with a more energetic song
Kai: Yeah, I wouldn't mind too
Luci and the DJ obeyed. Snapping her fingers Sha changed her make-up into a rock make-up style.
Sha: 1-2-3 GO LUCI
Luci: Yes!
For some seconds Luci's guitar solo resounded.
Sha: 🎵Hay un camiiino que seguir, hay muuuchas puertas que se van abrir🎵
Meanwhile, Kai was talking to Aichi. Suddenly Juvia grabbed Kai's smoking.
Kai: Uh, Juvia
Juvia: Daddy, mama crazy?
Aichi giggled.
Kai: No dear, she just wanted to enliven the party; she likes singing and... But how can she dance like Paul Stanley on a concert with that long wedding dress??? Oh well, she is incredible as always
Juvia: This song cool ^^
Kai smirked: I agree
He caught Juvia and pulled her up, putting the girl on his shoulders.
Juvia: Yaaa! Go mama! \^^/
Kai: Hey, hold on tight there
Juvia: Yes daddy
Sha: 🎵Aquí se pone mejooor, aquí se pone mejooor🎵 Come on together minna!!! 🎶Esta fiesta va a empezaar! Nos tenemos que animaar! Hoy podemos disfrutaar, ven a bailar!🎶 WOOOOW
Everyone was waving their hands, following the rhythm.
Emiko: Wow that's so cool
Sha stepped towards her while she was singing and dragged Emiko in the middle of the dancefloor with her.
Sha: Let's sing together!!!!! 🙌
Emiko: Okie! ^^
Jellal: COOOOOUSIN!! The cake is coming!
Still holding Juvia, Kai went to catch Sha's hand and dragged her to the 6 levels cake on the trolley. They sliced the cake together hugging each other, while Andrè and Yurias were taking 1000000 photos. Juvia was clapping from Kai's shoulders smiling.
This day has been another important step for Kai and Sha. They'll be together for the rest of their life, loving each other 'till the end and having fun with their overactive children.


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