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•I'm sure you're curious to know what the twins did during the battle against Oracion Seis to stop Nirvana... Well, actually it was a total disaster XD
Sha was kidnapped by Midnight, who recognized her as the person that tranquillized him many years ago when he was little, while she recognized him as the little boy with purple lipstick. Sha knew he couldn't be a so bad guy as he could seem and decided to become his friend (as he hoped), becoming fond of him. Meantime Luci spent almost all the time looking for her twin... Fortunately Erza, who was with Jellal, beat Midnight and Sha was free to reach healthy and safe Luci. The overactive twins helped the others to destroy all the Lacrima and stop finally the "moving city" (Nirvana); Luci helped Erza, while Sha went with Wendy and Carla.
You can imagine Sha's "happiness" when she saw Jellal there and her anger when Erza remembered him that Sha was his cousin (Jellal lost his memory after he woke up thanks to Wendy's magic power).
Sha was so satisfied when Lahar arrested him after the battle ended (actually he went to arrest also Oracion Seis members but firstly Jellal), while she tried to convince the "serious policeman" to let go at least Midnight, but without success, Lahar would have arrested the black-haired guy too.

•I bet you're wondering why Sha hates and shivers every time someone mentions Jellal and how is possible Midnight and her already knew each other... Hihi, finally you'll understand all.
~Her hate for Jellal has existed since he was born. Sha found that baby really weird (especially for his red tatoo on the right side of his face) and, when she carried him for the first time, she felt an abnormal sensation, like if a strong but dangerous power was hiding inside him... Probably Sha's hate is just a consequence of the fright, the fear she felt staying with him, but who knows which could be the real reason.
~There is a terrifying reason that makes Sha shiver, something only the girl knows: Jellal's parents died due to Zeref's followers who wanted to build the Heaven Tower... That day Sha was neighbour her cousin's old house because of some shopping in the shops there. When she heard a big turmoil out the shoes shop, she ran immediately to Jellal's house instinctively, seeing some horrible monsters. But she couldn't save her uncle and aunt... Jellal took her hand and dragged her into a really hidden place, how his parents told him to protect their child and their niece... Sha, spured by her hate for Jellal, made him sleepy and left him to those crazy monsters, who took him with them. After some months, Sha, pretty regret for what she did, went to the building to check her cousin. She made herself invisible and tried to find him, but Sha didn't see Jellal anywhere. There, before to leave, she saw into a cell a child with a purple lipstick crying and covering his ears... She broke her invisibility spell and came near the cell. She smiled sweetly at him and waved her hand as a greeting, whispering him to not be afraid; then she went away before someone could find her. That boy has never forgotten the reassuring smile and the warm greeting... That boy was Midnight.

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