Playful Wrestling (Sanders Sides AU)

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High School!Big Brother!AU with our star lee, Roman Princeton, and his brothers!

Roman sighed and rolled his eyes as the shouting of his brothers erupted at the top of the stairs. A few moments later, Thunder, the youngest only to Roman and his brother Logan, tumbled down the steps, locked in combat with the second oldest of the seven of them, Alexander. The two nearly slammed into Aaron, who had been carrying a mug of coffee, and the latter yelped and jumped aside just in time. 

Pursuing the two combatants came James, the oldest of them all, shaking his head. "You're all idiots," he grumbled, accepting Aaron's offer of his coffee gratefully.

"Hey, I'm sitting at the table and eating a sandwich," Roman pointed out. "I haven't participated at all in their horseplay."

"You so sure about that, baby brother?"

And Roman was bodychecked out of his chair with a shriek of alarm by a laughing Thunder.

Roman landed on his back on the floor with a thump and an "oof", and Thunder loomed over him, grinning maliciously. That grin made Roman nervous, and his eyes flickered with anxiety (aha references) as his older brother closed in on him.

"Insulting me and Alexander, I see," growled Thunder, his voice low and dangerous. "You know the consequences for that."

Roman, realizing what was about to happen, leaped to his feet and ran. Thunder chased, but Roman was faster, and they both knew it. 

Suddenly Alexander lunged in front of Roman, and the latter shrieked and skidded to an abrupt halt. The smaller boy looked frantically around for means of escape, but Thunder was approaching quickly, and Roman knew he was screwed, royally.

Without warning Thunder picked Roman up and flipped him over, gripping one of his ankles so the younger was dangling upside down. The blood rushing to his head made Roman dizzy, but when stars stopped dancing before his eyes and he could see clearly again, Alexander was standing in front of him, an evil grin on his face.

"C-Come on, can't we talk about this?" Roman pleaded. "Tickling is for babies!"

Alexander shook his head. "Goodness, no. You brought this upon yourself, baby bro, and you're gonna pay for it."

Alexander lunged, and Roman shrieked.

"WAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT NOHOHOHOHOHOHO SHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIT!!" Screeched Roman as Alexander ruthlessly tortured the sensitive flesh of Roman's underarms.

"Ah ah ah," chided Alexander cheekily. "No cursing, little bro."

"FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOHOHOHOU!" Retorted Roman loudly, his voice going up an octave when Alexander dug in harder.

Thunder laughed. "I thought being ticklish was for babies!"

"But he is a baby, Thunder! Our baby brother!" Cooed Alexander, not stopping his torment on the smallest of the family.

Roman's whole face went very red, and he just squirmed more under his brother's touch.

"Aww, look! He's red as a tomato," pointed out Thunder, which just made Roman blush harder. 

"SHUHUHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUHUHUP- AHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHO!" Screeched Roman as Alexander's fingers suddenly found a very sensitive spot on his left side, just below his ribs.

"Our baby bro's got a giggle button!" Cried Thunder. 

"It is adorable," teased Alexander.

Roman had given up on escaping at this point and just hung limp in Thunder's grip, laughing his heart out. The ticklish sensations were rippling all across his left side, twisting and weaving through what felt like his very DNA and driving him mad.

"Alright, Alex, let up," advised Thunder, though Roman could barely comprehend his words, he was laughing so hard. All he knew was that the tickling stopped, and that he was gasping for air.

"One more thing," Alexander said, and Roman saw Thunder and Alexander exchange a malicious grin before Thunder tightened his grip and Alexander pushed Roman's already drooping t-shirt farther up his chest so the spot on Roman's side was visible. Cold air drifted over it, making Roman shiver. 

The second Alexander moved Roman knew what was going on and he immediately started to squirm, his eyes widening comically. 

"Nonononononono AlexanDER DON'T YOU DARE!-"

Roman reply was cut off by his own scream as Alexander blew a big raspberry on the spot. 

"IHIHIHIHIHIHIHAHAHAHAHAHA- NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Wailed Roman, his face red with lack of oxygen and embarrassment and stained with tears of mirth that had welled in his eyes.

Alexander kept blowing raspberry after raspberry, forcing Roman's voice to go up to a pitch that neither Alexander nor Roman himself knew he could go to. Roman was howling, squirming and shrieking and pleading for his life.

As soon as Roman's laughter went silent, Alexander sat up and Thunder dropped the small boy on the couch. Roman instantly curled up into a ball to protect himself from a possible onslaught, giggling brightly still. 

"We're not even tickling you anymore!" Laughed Thunder, and if Roman hadn't been laughing already he would have chuckled at the comment.

After a minute or so, Roman managed to sit up, his sides heaving. 

"That was cruel," he gasped, glaring at his brothers, who just chuckled.

"All's fair in love and tickle fighting," was Alexander's reply. Roman groaned and rolled his eyes, earning a giggle from Thunder.

"Come and get your coffee, Roman," called Logan from the table. "It's getting cold."

"Just like your souls," joked Roman to his tormentors as he stood and went back to the table. Thunder and Alexander followed and sat down, and the morning from then on was peaceful.

That is, until Roman made one too many sassy comments about Aaron's choice of tea flavour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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