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[chapter vi]


It took me a moment to shed the sleep from my brain, to allow the visions of my dream to give way to the day, to move from that which I created on a whim to things more realistic. In a few minutes, I was able to greet the sunlight, to see the bright colors, the subtleness of a gentle dawn. It allowed me to doze and come to again. I wiped the crust from my eyelids, looking around and finally landing eyes on an empty room.

I sat upright and leaned on my hands for support. Suddenly I was introduced to a familiar smell and I could only know who it was without even guessing.

I moseyed to the bathroom. "Why?" I began as I lean against the threshold of the foggy bathroom.

Zada looked unbothered as she had been caught. She stood and tapped the ashes from the bud into the trash can.

"I'm sorry, okay?" A cloud of smoke escaped her mouth, contributing to the already cloudy room.

"So then why are you doing it?" She used to have a smoking habit. I stopped her from doing it, she was—is too gorgeous to be smoking that stuff.

"Don't start acting like my dad please."

I laughed. "Don't compare me to him. I actually care about you which is why I told you to stop doing it in the first place."

"Oh my god, there's nothing bad about getting a little high every once in a while, P. You know how long it's been? Cut me some slack." She took a drag. Her lips formed a slight 'O' shape, releasing the smoke out into the air. Her eyes looked as if a blood vessel popped in them.

"Whatever." I shook my head and proceeded to brush my teeth.

"You should try some. It would really help with your attitude."

I spat toothpaste into the sink. "I don't have an attitude and I don't need that shit."

"If you say so. Besides, I'm done anyway so calm that big ass Afro of yours." I shot my middle finger at her.

She rolled her eyes and threw the remains in the trashcan. She brushed her teeth and I was glad that she did because I wouldn't let her talk to me with her breath smelling like that. She once told me that she was a smoker of marijuana long before we met. She said she used to smoke in her backyard and got away with it for some time. One day, after we had been hanging out for a while I caught her and practically shoved her into stopping. She did and hadn't smoked any since now. She said it used to help her a lot with the nerves her parents constantly danced on but that's what she had a pencil and paper for. Why smoke when you can unleash your emotions with just a drawing.

We had an incredibly productive day ahead of us. We laid around, watched tv, and ate everything in this hotel room. All day. I grinned as I wrote out the contents of my mind onto the paper in my notebook.

"You writin' about me?" She quickly jumped on my bed trying to look at my writing.

"No." Kinda? She sparked the creative side of me sometimes, allowing me to express myself through the music I write. I love it. It really helps me and I even mentioned to her about becoming a musician a few dozen times. Music is the best medicine so why not make music for the people who need it?

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