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[chapter xii]


"So, why don't you start off by telling me why you're here, Miss. Wilson."

"Um, well, I've been having this weird feeling about something for the past year. I don't know what it is and I'm just simply looking for someone to help me figure it out professionally, not just by, y'know, anyone." I shrug.

"Tell me, what are you having this feeling towards?" She asked with her notepad, writing down things.

Nervously, I chuckled.

"Well..." I started, telling her everything.

"I think I might know what the case is with this situation. It's nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. I've had patients much like you before."

"Well, what do you think it could possibly be?"

After hearing this unbelievable and surprising news, I left out of the room after thanking her for her time and help. In the waiting room was Teyana and Tiffany. They had agreed to go with me to my appointment this Saturday morning because they claimed they had nothing else to do. I would've asked Monica to ride along but she said she had to visit her parents and she would be back by the time I had finished.

"What was y'all in there talkin' about?" Teyana asked curiously as we walked to my car.

"Yeah, you look a lil' surprised or shocked." Tiffany tagged along with what Tiffany was saying. We settled in the car.

"I-It was nothing, really."

"Bitch, if you don't tell us!" Teyana turned towards me in the passenger seat, shaking the car with her wild commotion.

"I-I can't. It's more of a personal thing. I'm just now officially discovering this and I need some time to take it in." I backed the car out of the parking spot and out of the exit, onto the road.

"You been tellin' us personal stuff before. What's different about this time?" Tiffany questioned.

"Look, can't you guys just let me tell you on my own time? Please?"

Teyana sighed, sitting correctly in her seat. "Okay."

We arrived at Monica's house. I had been over here since he left and I haven't been back to the apartment since. It's just that Monica's been very welcoming. She didn't make me feel like I overstayed. It was like I lived here.

"Hm, now that I think about it, you been at Mo's house an awful lot, Z."

"You ain't lyin'." Teyana agreed. I shook my head, turning around and hoping that my Afro full of curls covered the flushing in my cheeks.

"Just because you got that big ass 'fro don't mean we can't see that big ass smile on yo' face." Tiffany continued.

"Yo, Tiff, you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

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