Chapter 20

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The next morning Kami and I met with Alex at the mess hall for breakfast. Kami kept playing with her newly cut hair while Alex just laughed at her. I smiled, but seemed to yawn a few times every minute. I took a bread roll and some water, my appetite not nearly as great as Alex's or Kami's judging by their plates piled high with leftovers.

"I'll see you guys later," I said, getting up from my seat. They waved and continued their conservation about who snored the worst in their rooms.

I yawned again, covering my mouth as I walked around tables through the hall to the gardens, ready to start the day's work.

"George," I heard someone behind me. I turned around to see Marc running up to me. He stopped in front of me and straightened up, smiling. "Hi, George, good morning," he said. I noticed he was still pulling on his coat and his hat was missing.

"Good morning," I said, trying not to stare at his perfectly messy hair.

"I was wondering," he said as he scratched the back of his neck, "would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow? Just you and me."

I blinked. "You mean like a date?"

"Well, if can be if you want it to be, but if you don't, that's okay. You don't have to-"

"No! Lunch sounds great," I beamed.

"Really? Okay, well I could meet you at the garden, or something," he trailed off.

"Garden is good. I'll see you then," I said, spinning around and bouncing away before I lost my cool.

I fumbled with the tent poles. "I'm losing my mind," I said simply.

"Why?" asked Kami, busy beside me. "Because Marc asked you to lunch?"

I stared at her. "How do you know about that?" She only chuckled and passed me another piece.

"I mean, what am I gonna do? I know I'm probably just overthinking it all but I can't help it." I groaned, "I said sure like a normal person but then ran away like a crazy person. Who runs away after setting a date?"

Kami raised her eyebrows but didn't meet my gaze. "You, apparently."

Most of the tents were set up except for a few, and Bert was busy planning out what was to be planted by the shed when we heard a big ruckus like people shouting from the street on the other side of the kitchens. Bert looked at me and Kami.

"Go check that out, would you?" he said.

Kami and I nodded and headed towards the street. I gaped as we watched a wave of people rushing towards the gate.

"Is something wrong?" asked Kami nervously.

I shook my head and watched. "I don't think so. No one looks afraid, curious maybe?"

She stayed where she was by the mess hall. I started heading towards the crowd. "I'll go check it out, okay? Be back in a few."

I didn't wait to see her response as the crowd swept me away. Before long I was at the fence with everybody else, the gate squeaking closed after it evidently already let in seven people. My heart pounded louder than the hushed chatter of the crowd. I didn't recognize any of them, but they were dressed like raiders or travellers and the guards seemed to be talking to most of them with concerned familiarity. Except for a woman with a long braid and dark sunglasses, who stood apart from the rest.

She stayed near the gate, as if she was regretting coming inside the fence. Her arms were crossed as Commander Daniels spoke to her. He put a hand on her shoulder and I could tell she was resisting the urge to shake him off.

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